NKR Construction In 2007


Azat Artsakh Daily
Published on April 28, 2008
NKR Republic

Official Notification of NKR National Statistical Service A
construction of 20810.1 million drams was realized in NKR territory
in 2007, which, in comparison with the previous year, has increased
by 18.2 per cent or 3208.1 million drams. 91.2 per cent of realized
construction or 18974.2 million drams are constructional assembly
works, instead of the previous year’s 86.5 per cent or 15218.9
million drams. NKR construction in 2007 just as in 2006 has been
basically realized on account of means of state budget and humanitarian
assistance, accordingly compiling 48.4 per cent of the general size
( instead of the previous year’s 47.4 per cent). Construction works
of 2007 according to the economy’s branches, in comparison with the
previous year, have increased in the branches of trade, culture and
sport, communal utilities company, health service and agriculture,
accordingly 2.9 times, by 67.3, 48.1, 31.4, 2.8 and 1.1 per cents.
202 apartments of 22133.1 cub. metre surface and two schools were
put into operation in NKR in 2007. In the republic in period under
review 158 apartments and 5 schools have been repaired, 855.0 and
121.1 million drams have been accordingly expended.