Nagorno-Karabakh MPs Support Self-Determination


Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS
March 12 2008

The Nagorno-Karabakh National Assembly, the parliament of the
unrecognized republic, has issued a call to all nations to "show
consistency on the issue of the recognition of states that have
appeared as a result of the self-determination of nations and avoid
double standards."

"Talks that would lead to a mutually acceptable solution providing for
the international recognition of the self-determination of Nagorno-
Karabakh are impossible," the MPs said on Wednesday in a resolution
adopted in response to the declaration by Kosovo of its independence.

The resolution supports the principle of self-determination and hails
the decision of the international community on the issue of respect
for the civil rights of the majority in Kosovo.

"For many years, the Azeri authorities have consistently pursued
a policy of discrimination, restriction of civil rights, ethnic
purges and forced deportation towards the Armenian population of
Nagorno-Karabakh, whose tragic consequences could only be prevented
by organized self- defense," the document says.

Therefore, Azerbaijan lost all legal and moral ground to extend its
authority on Nagorno-Karabakh from the moment of the disintegration
of the Soviet Union, the document says.