United States to be in touch with developments in Armenia

United States to be in touch with developments in Armenia

YEREVAN, March 7. /ARKA/. The United States is to be in touch with
developments in Armenia, Matthew Bryza, the assistant of the U.S.
deputy state secretary, said Friday as met with Robert Kocharyan,
Armenian pr6esident, in Yerevan.

On February 20, Armenian opposition headed by former president Levon
Ter-Petrosyan started protests in Yerevan’s Libery Square disputing the
results of the recent presidential election.

PM Serge Sargsyan won the election. The police attacked protesters
Saturday night.

Protests continued in the square near France’s embassy and city hall.

The police department says that the crowd started destroying nearby
shops and other buildings, and Robert Kocharyan, Armenian president,
imposed state of emergency.

According to the police’s report eight people were killed and 131
injured in the clash and 36 cars burnt.
According to Armenian presidential press office, Bryza voiced concern
over recent developments in Armenia and expressed hope that tension
will be eased.

President Kocharyan expressed the authorities’ readiness to ensure
stability and security and said all the steps had been taken to
stabilize the situation.-0—