Armenian Americans Head To The Polls In Support Of Presidential Cand

06.02.2008 10:19

With the recent endorsement of Presidential hopeful Senator Barack
Obama, the Armenian National Committee of America Eastern Region has
been working with its respective chapters to "Vote Obama" on Super
Tuesday, February 5, 2008.

"With the ANCA’s announcement of its endorsement of Senator Barack
Obama, the ANCA Eastern Region is working with local ANCA chapters
throughout the Eastern Region along with "Armenians for Obama"
to encourage voters to vote for Obama," commented Karine Birazian,
ANCA ER Executive Director.

On January 19th, Senator Obama released a powerful statement on the
importance of US-Armenia relations stating, "I am a strong supporter
of U.S.-Armenian relationship that advances our common security and
strengthens Armenian democracy." Unlike other Democratic candidates,
he also pledged to "promote Armenian security by seeking an end to the
Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades, and by working for a lasting and
durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict that is agreeable
to all parties, and based upon America’s founding commitment to the
principles of democracy and self determination." The full statement
may be found on Sen. Obama’s campaign website:

Armenian Americans throughout the country have been working around
the clock to promote Obama’s campaign. Communities have sent e-
mail blasts and updates, supporting and updating the Facebook(c)
"Armenians for Obama" page, as well as participating in phone banking
to over 50,000 Armenian Americans nationwide.

ANC of Eastern Massachusetts chair Shari Melkonian commented:
"The ANC of E. Massachusetts has mobilized its troops to get the
word out and encourage our activists to vote for Obama." "We have
seen a great response from the community through our e-mail blasts,
flyering, and phone banking, and expect to see a great turnout today."