Canadian Turks protest Armenian Genocide class


Canadian Turks protest Armenian Genocide class
11.01.2008 13:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Over 1,200 Turks in Canada signed a
petition against a class that describes the 1915
events as the Armenian Genocide.

`These are very significant, horrible parts of
history, and without sounding hackneyed, we hope we
can learn something from them so we can make a better
world for our children’s children,’ said Trustee Gerri
Gershon, of the Toronto District School Board, who
proposed the course after a moving tour in 2005 of the
Nazi death camps in Poland.

`This isn’t a course to teach hatred or blame the
perpetrators,’ Gershon said. `Our goal is the exact
opposite: to explore how this happens so we can become
better people and make sure it never happens again,’
he added, Toronto Star reports.