Militaristic Rhetoric In Armenia


Dec 14 2007

If Azerbaijan carries on its militaristic behavior, Armenia will also
resort to that, stated the ex-leader of the SIM (Constitutional Right)
Party Haik Babukhanyan in a news conference on December 14.

Haik Babukhanyan stated the same thing in Snegiri, Russia, where he
participated in the meeting of civil society activists and members
of parliament of Armenia, Karabakh and Azerbaijan in the framework
of the Dartmouth conference.

Haik Babukhanyan says when the Azerbaijanis used military rhetoric
excited by their oil dollars, the Armenian delegation explained to them
what force is and where it is. Haik Babukhanyan says when Azerbaijan
postures that way, Armenia should not be scared and make concessions
but should act. Among those actions Haik Babukhanyan mentions railroad
communication with Iran, restoration of land communication with Russia,
liberation of the Armenian territories controlled by Azerbaijan,
and use of force if necessity arises, Haik Babukhanyan says.

"If Azerbaijan talks in terms of force, Armenia should take that
option into consideration, as an option of solution of its security
problems. Obviously, this is not the best option. We clearly conveyed
to the Azerbaijani side that if Azerbaijan resorts to militaristic
rhetoric, similar rhetoric will be used by Armenia, because we are
not begging for peace, we can impose peace, like we did in 1992-1994,"
Haik Babukhanyan says.