The Parliament’s Response


"HAYOTS ASHKHARH" Daily Newspaper
8 Nov 07

The Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs of NKR National Assembly
has responded to the evaluations and definitions given by the Council
of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis, in Yerevan.

The Committee considered it amazing that the European Official who
is rather reticent in most cases made emphases not proper neither to
him personally nor to the structure that he represent.

"Particularly speaking about the absence of the announcement condemning
the elections to the Local Self Government Bodies hold recently in NKR,
Mr. Davis probably confused not only geographical but also traditional
parameters. It is especially surprising that an official of such
a level can put on the same plane phenomenon that have nothing in
common with one other. We hope that Mr. Davis will inform the European
Community; in what context he drew that improper parallel.

Regarding the expressions addressed to NKR government, we should
make it obvious to Mr. Davis that all the peoples that strive for
independence have to pass the way of "separatism". It is not the
fault of NKR people that during the collapse of the Soviet Union the
United Nations Organization or the Council of Europe, for well-known
reasons couldn’t establish "external governance" in Nagorno Karabakh,
which could provide legitimacy for the present day independence,"
the commentary of the Committee runs.