Fresno: Nazik Kotcholosian Messerlian

Nazik Kotcholosian Messerlian
11/03/07 22:21:26

Age: 74

Occupation: Retired school teacher.

Hobbies: My grandchildren, who are the centerpiece of my life. They are
the fragrant flowers of my beautiful bouquet, the sounds of my daily
symphony concerts.

Bee reader since: Early 1960s.

How many letters: 15 since 2001.

Favorite topics: Political corruption, injustice.

Why do you write? I write when human rights and dignity are denied,
truth is distorted and human suffering is ignored for personal or
political gains. Specifically, I write about the Armenian genocide of
1915 by the Turks.

Excerpt from recent letter: "The genocide was real — my parents
witnessed it. Thus, those who question or deny well-documented absolute
realities, the genocide and the Holocaust, are puppets or puppeteers in
the play called ‘Lie For Gain At Any Cost.’ Where art thou, sweet

Reaction to letters: Appreciation, compliments and encouragement.

Topic that doesn’t get enough attention: In-depth factual information so
the reader can formulate his own opinion and not be told what to

Education: Armenian elementary school, German Oberschule, Sanger High
School, Fresno State with credentials in education and music.

Family: Husband, Vartkes; sons Hrair, Vahe and Aram; daughter Arpi;
grandchildren Gregory, Karina, Zareh, Sevag, Armen, Aram, Haig, Nareg
and Raffi.

Political philosophy: Undistorted truth must be the focal point in the
makings of political agendas; a multipolitical consortium that
even-handedly serves and protects all the people without discrimination;
government officials must be elected on their merits of intellect,
knowledge and leadership and not by the power of money.

— Compiled by Pam Rowse
From: Baghdasarian