Harman Flip-Flops On Armenian Genocide Resolution


Los Angeles Times, CA
Oct 6 2007

In the long, unhappy life of the congressional resolution to officially
recognize and commemorate the Armenian genocide, there have been many
moments (from the Armenian point of view, which I broadly share)
of parliamentary treachery — then-House speaker Dennis Hastert
withdrawing the resolution at the last minute in 2000, both presidents
George Bush vowing as candidates to officially recognize the genocide
then dropping the pledge once in the White House, and so on.

Now we can add to that list … hawkish South Bay Democrat Jane
Harman! Even though Harman is one the bill’s 226 co-sponsors, she
nonetheless wrote a letter to House Foreign Relations Committee Chair
Tom Lantos Wednesday urging him to withdraw it from consideration,
and announcing that she will oppose the very resolution she affixed
her name to. Excerpt:

My father was a refugee to the United States from Nazi Germany. I
understand the consquences of ethnic and racial persecution, and am
comitted to fighting and condemning acts of genocide wherever they
occur. That is why I agreed to cosponsor H. Res. 106. I am convinced
that a terrible crime was committed against the Armenian people. That
crime should be recognized and condemned.

However, following a visit to Turkey earlier this year that included
meetings with Prime Minister Erdogan, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch
and colleagues of murdered journalist Hrant Dink, I have great concern
that this is the wrong time for the Congress to consider this measure.

Due to my security focus in the House, I have made 18 trips to the
Middle East region over the past 14 years and am persuaded that Turkey
plays a critically important role in moderating extremist forces
there. Given the nature of the threat, I believe it is imperative to
nurture that role — however valid from the historical perspective,
we should avoid taking steps that would embarrass or isolate the
Turkish leadership.

In other words, the Turks are wrong, but they’re just too important
to piss off. Jane’ll fight tomorrow’s genocide, but would rather not
talk about yesterday’s. Still, the Foreign Affairs Committee has
scheduled a vote for next Wednesday, and Democrats are predicting
the bill will pass the House.

I wrote about the bizarre politics of saying "genocide" back in April.
