President Kocharyan Received The Archbishop Of Canterbury


ArmRadio – Public Radio, Armenia
Sept 26 2007

RA President Robert Kocharyan received the Head of the Anglican Church,
the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams and the Catholicos
of All Armenians Garegin II.

During the meeting the parties spoke about state-church
interrelationship, spiritual education of the society, the role of
the Church in education, and deepening of friendly relations between
the Armenian and Anglican Churches.

The President expressed confidence that the visit of the Head of the
Anglican Church to Armenia will become a new and strong impetus for
deepening the cooperation with the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Noting that throughout history the Armenian Church always stood next
to people and had a critical role from the perspective of maintenance
of national identity, Robert Kocharyan said today the Church continues
playing an important role in state-building.

The Archbishop of Canterbury emphasized the centuries-old history of
ties between the Anglican and the Armenian Churches.

At the suggestion of the guest, President Kocharyan turned to the
process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the economic situation
in the country and perspectives of development.