Another Train With Military Hardware Leaves Russia Base In Georgia


ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
August 8, 2007 Wednesday 04:30 PM EST

Another train with military hardware leaves the Russian military base
in Georgia’s Batumi on Thursday. It will head for a Russian military
base stationed in Armenia, sources from the information service of
the Russian Land Troops told Tass on Wednesday.

"The train will withdraw 10 vehicles, 17 trailers and other
property. The total weight of the cargo will be over 200 tons," the
source added. He said the next train with hardware is scheduled to
leave the base in mid-August. Four more trains and a car convoy are
expected to withdraw military property from Georgia to Russia and to
Russian base 102 in Gyumri (Armenia) before the end of the year.

Russia fulfils its commitments on the withdrawal of military base 12
from Georgia, and trains are dispatched according to schedule. Late
in June, Russia conveyed to Georgia its military base in Akhalkalaki,
although under an agreement between Moscow and Tbilisi it was planned
to be made before October 1. Under the same agreement, the Batumi
base must be closed within the year 2008.