Richard Hoagland Himself Asked To Withdraw His Nomination As US Amba


07.08.2007 13:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Activities of the Armenian community of the United
States do not contradict RA’s foreign policy, this opinion does not
have anything in common with the reality, head of "Hay Dat" Office
Giro Manoyan stated to journalists in Yerevan. He said official Yerevan
has never exerted pressure on Armenian communities abroad. "The White
House’s decision to withdraw the nomination of Richard Hoagland as US
Ambassador to Armenia is the internal affair of the Foreign Relations
Committee of the US Congress. Hoagland himself has written a letter to
US President’s administration asking him to withdraw his candidacy,
since he is sure that the Senate will not approve it," Manoyan said
adding that the next US Ambassador to Armenia must have a clearer
stance on the issue of the Armenian Genocide.

Giro Manoyan also underlined the issue of Hoagland’s disapproval
totally lies in political field. "It is the second time in the
US history that the Senate does not approve the White House’s
nomination. First time it was John Bolton, US Ambassador to the United
Nations. Then President Bush appointed Bolton passing over the Senate
using his right to nominate ambassadors during Senate recess. But the
administration decided not to repeat the same thing with Hoagland,"
the head of "Hay Dat" Office noticed.

On August 3 the White House withdrew Richard Hoagland’s candidacy as US
Ambassador to Armenia after New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez twice
placed a hold on his nomination, since R. Hoagland did not recognize
events of 1915 as genocide during his confirmation hearings before
the Senate.