First Instance Court Sentences Zhirayr Sefilyan To 1.5 Year Of Impri


2007-08-06 16:46:00

First Instance Court of Yerevan Center and Nork-Marash communities
sentenced Zhirayr Sefilyan, Head of the public and patriotic
organization "For Protection of Liberated Territories" to 1.5 year
of imprisonment. Judge Mnatsakan Martirosyan declared the verdict
on Monday.

The people in the court hall welcomed Zhirayr Sefilyan, his
assistant and supporter Vardan Malkhasyan with applauds and slogans
"Feedom!" Moreover, there were numerous insults addressed to the
authorities. The police officers in the hall did not interfere into
the dialogue.

The judge declared Sefilyan not guilty in the first part of the charge
(calls for forced overthrow of power, Article 301.1) and sentenced
him for 1.5 year of prison for (illegal keeping of weapons and
armaments Article 235.1). Vardan Malkhasyan was sentenced to 2 yeas
of imprisonment for (calls for forced overthrow of power, Article
301.1). The third detainee Vahan Aroyan was sentenced to 1.5 year of
imprisonment for (illegal keeping of weapons and armaments Article
235.1). The lawyers intend to appeal against the verdict.

To recall, on July 2 First Instance Court of Center and Nork-Marash
communities started the trial of Zhirayr Sefilyan, a hero of
Karabakh war, the coordinator of the Union of Armenian Volunteers,
Vardan Malkhasyan, Sefilayn’s supporter, a member of Motherland and
Honor party, who are charged with public calls for overthrow of the
constitutional order, as well as of Vahan Arosyan. Zhirayr Sefilyan
was arrested on December 9 2006. He is charged with Article 301 of
RA Criminal Code.