BAKU: Discussions On Next Meeting Between Azerbaijani And Armenian P


Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Aug 3 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku / Ò corr K. Ramazanova / There is a possibility that
the next meeting between the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents
will take place in November, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State, the US Co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group on settlement of
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mathew Bryza, reported in Baku on 3 August.

After his meeting with the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Elmar
Mammadyarov, Bryza noted that the co-chairmen had been disappointed
about the results of the meeting between the presidents in St.

Petersburg. "However, after the meeting with Azerbaijan and Yerevan,
we saw that the process is in progress," Bryza added.

The conflict between the two countries of South Caucasus began in 1988
due to territorial claims by Armenia against Azerbaijan. Armenia has
occupied 20% of the Azerbaijani land including the Nagorno-Karabakh
region and its seven surrounding Districts. Since 1992, these
territories have been under the occupation of the Armenian Forces. In
1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement at which time
the active hostilities ended. The Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
( Russia, France and USA) are currently holding peaceful negotiations.

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