Azerbaijan Is Reluctant To Resolve The Problem

22-06-2007 20:23:07

The factions and groups of the National Assembly will stand an
opportunity to express their common stance on the Karabakh issue,
Speaker Tigran Torosyan stated June 22.

"But I will say what I have told our colleagues who have recently
visited Armenia. First, I am sure that Azerbaijan is reluctant to
resolve the problem of Karabakh. The statements on solving the problem
through war, immediate return, etc., are false patriotic statements
aimed to settle certain problems," Tigran Torosyan said. He draws
attention to the circumstance that the political forces of Azerbaijan
have recently been endorsing Aliyev’s policy more intensively.

"It is obvious that elections are coming up, and they will be kindling
the Karabakh issue. The other problem, the propaganda of hatred is
not weakening in Azerbaijan. The most natural and for me the most
important measurement of the real moves and reluctance to solve the
Karabakh issue is the attitude towards the neighboring people and
the neighboring state.

Whatever happens in Azerbaijan shows that they have no wish to resolve
the problem, otherwise they must at least reduce this anti-Armenian
propaganda and prepare their people for the settlement because they
know that Karabakh will never become part of Azerbaijan again, and
they must prepare their public," Tigran Torosyan says.