Oskanian Refutes The Reports About A "Leave" In The Negotiation Proc


20.06.2007 17:09

RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian today refuted the statements
of the Azeri side that "Armenia has taken a leave in the negotiation
process." The Foreign Minister stated this, commenting on the statement
of the Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov disseminated
by Interfax agency today.

"Armenia and the international community must analyze and evaluate
today’s situation. If the talks are stalled until September, it should
be regarded as an adjournment for Armenia, another opportunity to
review its position.

Vartan Oskanian underlined that the position of official Yerevan
remains unchanged: "Armenia is ready to continue the negotiations on
the basis of the existing suggestions."

RA Foreign Minister declared that during the last meeting between
the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Saint Petersburg "there
emerged the first distinct signs, which evidence that the Azerbaijani
side is trying to refuse from earlier agreements."

"Taking this into consideration, I do not rule out that Araz Azimov’s
statement is an attempt to find the guilty," Vartan Oskanian said.

RA Foreign Minister did not comment the statements that Azerbaijan
has refused from the idea of a referendum in Nagorno Karabakh. At
the same time, Vartan Oskanian repeated that "we see the trend in
Azerbaijan to refuse from the agreements reached earlier."

"We need time to understand what consequences such behavior of
Azerbaijan will have," Vartan Oskanian declared.