Any woman can do a career

Any woman can do a career

11-06-2007 14:29:50 – KarabakhOpen

Women and men have different physiology, potential and therefore
different worldview. And these differences gave rise to the so-called
gender issues. For instance, many think there are mail jobs and female
jobs. Whether this true or not, there is discrimination of women in a
lot of countries.
Discrimination of women in Karabakh is hardly ever discussed. Perhaps
nobody has though there is discrimination in Karabakh or there is not.
`I am amazed about women who want equality,’ says Ashot Sargsyan, whose
wife works as a `housewife’. `A woman must work about the house, have
children, take care for her husband. We men will take care of the rest.
We make money and solve global problems.’
Ashot added with sarcasm: `We must love and cherish women for they give
us happiness and love.’
`I always feel discomfort because I am a woman,’ says Narine
Mnatsakanyan from Stepanakert. `I feel discomfort because I depend on
my husband. What to buy, what to wear, to work or not, because my
husband says I am a woman. I think a lot of women will understand me.’
However, a female journalist had a quite different opinion. `On the
whole, there is no discrimination in Karabakh, and if there is
discrimination, it is the woman’s fault. If the husband beats her, and
she bears it saying he’s jealous, so who is to blame? She because she
lacks dignity and awareness of her rights and freedoms.’
Most citizens we talked to think women and men in Karabakh enjoy equal
opportunities for career. And it is funny to divide jobs into male and
`I have a family, and I have been in a high-ranking post in a
government agency for many years. I assure you there are no hindrances
for women. Any woman can do a career if she is eager,’ S. Petrosyan