Today Is The International Children’s Day

01.06.2007 11:55

Today is the International Children’s Day. On this occasion a number
of events are due in the republic. Festive arrangements will be held
in all marzes of Armenia.

Currently there are 8 state and 5 private children’s homes in
Armenia. The state is implementing the policy of returning the children
to families.

An exhibition of handmade works of children with mental disabilities
will be opened at Narekatsi Cultural Centre. The exhibition will be
on display by June 4th.

"Communication in bright childish colors" exhibition will be opened
at the Children’s Art Gallery of Yerevan. The authors of the items
– children aged 6-14 – pictured their conception of communication,
Internet, cell phones, etc.

Another exhibition will open in the UN Office in Yerevan. Works by
more than 400 children will be presented.

A concert dedicated to the International Children’s Day will be held
at the Liberty Square.