NKR Authorities Extend Condolences


18.05.2007 11:48

NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan and Prime Minister Anushavan Danielyan
issued a joint message of condolence on the death of famous singer
Gohar Gasparyan.

The message says: "With great sorrow we learnt about the death of
renowned singer Gohar Gasparyan.

Invaluable is Gohar Gasparyan’s contribution to the development of
Armenian vocal art, the reinforcement of its role and place in the
world culture treasury.

The death of the "Armenian nightingale" is a great loss for Armenians,
including the people of Artsakh.

On behalf of the NKR people, we extend condolences to the family of
the unforgettable singer, to thousands of admirers of her art. We
wish them strength of spirit and patience."