Kocharyan: Iran’s Help To Armenian Nation Not To Be Forgotten


Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Iran
March 19 2007

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan on Monday referred to the
commissioning of Iran-Armenia gasline as a historical event opening
a new page in bilateral relations.

The remark was made at a press conference after Iran-Armenia gas
pipeline was officially commissioned at the common borders of the
two countries and his talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Kocharyan said that ever since its independence, his country has
been facing various problems such as siege, war and energy crisis,
adding that such a bitter memory is now on the verge of oblivion.

Turning to the regularly coordinated growing trend of bilateral ties,
he said that Iran’s assistance to Armenia in the early years after his
country’s independence will never be forgotten and thanked Iranians
for their kind attention.

He said that there was nothing on Iran-Armenia common border 15
years ago, except a few rows of barbed wire symbolizing the ex-Soviet
Union’s rule.

"Neither did the border on which I welcomed President Ahmadinejad
exist at that time. This is while today 600,000 tons of goods are
annually exchanged between the two states," he added.

Kocharyan underlined that no energy was exchanged between Iran and
Armenia 10 years ago, but that today it can be said that their third
power transmission line will soon be commissioned.

Pointing to the growing trend of Iran-Armenia cooperation as a model,
he thanked his Iranian counterpart for efforts towards such a close

In response to a question about expansion of cooperation between the
two states, he said that bilateral ties can be divided into political
and trade sections.

He referred to the level of political relations as excellent, adding,
"This helps us regulate our ties with other countries in such a way
as to avoid causing any sensitivity."

The Armenian president pointed to the bright prospect of Iran-Armenia
economic development, saying that the economic projects due to be
drawn up aim to strengthen relations between the two nations and lead
to more tangible outcomes.