State Hamazgayin Theater Continues Staging, Keeping Traditions


YEREVAN, MARCH 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The State Hamazgayin (National)
Theater collective prepares for staging Russian writer Anton Chekhov’s
"Uncle Vania" play. The theater performed in 2006 Herny’s "A Cheat’s
Daughter" and Eduardo de Fillipo’s "Natale in Casa Cupiello"
(Christmas at the Cupiello’s) plays which are about clear human
relations and love.

As theater director Hrachia Gasparian mentioned in the interview with
the Noyan Tapan correspondent, in 1991 when Armenia was in war state,
the country was burried in gloom, cultural hearths were everywhere
robbed and destroyed, many theaters did not function, prominent actor
Sos Sargsian had the courage to found a theater, with an indubitable
confidence that people making a war, perhaps, needs theather.

Just at that time, owing to a group of prominent actors, Shahum
Ghazarian, Karen Janibekian, Galya Novents, Mayis Gharagyozian, Davit
Nersisian, Anna Elbakian and others, left the G.Sundukian State
Academic Theater, Sos Sargsian was able to gather and found the State
Hamazgayin Theater.

And the newly founded theater already staged in 1993 two wonderful
performances: Edurado de Filippo’s "Il Sindaco del Rione Sanita"
(Mayor of Sanita Alley) and Hayk Hakobian’s "Mountain Tulips" round
which the "Hamazgayin" unfailing spectator has gradually formed.

In H.Gasparian’s words, the theater foundation was not an end in
itself by Sos Sargsian during those years. It was aimed to keep
traditions of the Armenian theater for the spectator does not break
away with its spiritual values.

The director facted that in 1993-1994 when "grad (firings from "grad"
systems) flew in the border settlements of Armenia, the company
organized tours in Tavush, Goris, Kapan and other places numerous
times. The Hamazgayin company staged in those years 14 performances, 5
of which for grown-ups, and others for children. And just during those
years it participated in a number of festivals in Russia, Persia,
Lebanon, Syria and France.

In H. Gasparian’s words, at present the theater activity became very
difficult in conditions of existence of the show business as the
spectator is a little confused and does not understand which is the
art, which is simply lack of taste. In his words, it is of course very
difficult to confront but the company continues creating theater,
staging plays for children and grown-ups, understanding its

Numerous talented actors left the country in conditions of universal
fall of values. 18-person group of young actors today works at the
theater. They are devoted people like the previous ones, as they work
with meagre salary but with great responsibility towards the
theater. In the theater director’s words, they all are gifted and
promising actors.