Turkey’s last hope

Turkey’s last hope

09.02.2007 17:42

Famous journalist Mehmet Ali Birant views the upcoming visit of the
Head of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Turkey Yashar Boyukanit
to Washington as the last hope to prevent the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide by the US Congress.

"Perhapes, it’s only Boyukanit that can exert pressure on Congressmen
to prevent the adoption of that bill," Birant wrote in today’s issue
of the Turkish Daily News. The author of the article notes that the
situation in the Congress is not "that good." "This time the Bush
Administration is too weak before the Democratic majority. Democrats
wish to vote for the Armenian bill as punishment for the Iraq
policy. In this sense, no matter what promises Abdullah Gul received
in Washington, the issue of the Armenian resolution does not promise
a bright perspective," Birant noted.
From: Baghdasarian