BAKU: Goran Lenmarker: No changes will be made to my report on NK

Azeri Press Agency
Jan 30 2007

Goran Lenmarker: No changes will be made to my report on NK

[ 30 Jan. 2007 14:18 ]

`I have not made any changes to my report on Nagorno Karabakh
(NK),’OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) chief, OSCE co-rapporteur on
NK Goran Lenmarker told the APA exclusively.

Lenmarker added that after it no changes will be made to the report
either. Saying that the report has already been submitted to OSCE PA,
co-rapporteur noted that to move any amendment to the document is
illegal. When commenting to the issue, Lenmarker’s press secretary
said that if any amendments proposed to the report, then Lenmarker
will have to make a new report.
The member of Azerbaijani Parliament in OSCE PA Eldar Ibrahimov told
the APA that he does not have any information about submission of the
report to OSCE PA.
`But I know exactly that NK issue is not on the agenda of the spring
session of the organization to be held in February,’ Ibrahimov said.
Reminding that Goran Lenmarker will visit Azerbaijan on February 7-8,
the parliamentarian said this issue will be discussed at that time.
Ibrahimov hopes this report will be discussed in spring session of
the organization to be held in Kiev.
`The discussions of energy security of in OSCE region to be held in
the sitting of Economic Committee serves to the interests of
Azerbaijani side,’ he said.
Answering the question if Azerbaijan can suggest substituting Goran
Lenmarker with another co-rapporteur, Ibrahimov said that this issue
is under the competence of OSCE PA.
`At present we are satisfied with Goran Lenmarker’s mission,’ he
said. /APA/
From: Baghdasarian