Georgian Ambassador to Armenia says relations are ‘perfect’

Georgian Ambassador to Armenia says relations are ‘perfect’

The Messenger, Georgia
Aug. 18, 2006

Svobodnaya Gruzia reports, in an interview with RIA Novosti
Armenia news agency, that Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia Revaz
Gachechiladze does not see any difficulties in bilateral interstate
relations. "It is very difficult to overestimate the current level of
the Armenian-Georgian relations-it is very high. Visits of the most
high-ranking officials are now a normal event. I can evaluate our
political relations as perfect. I think that economic and cultural
relations need to be intensified a little bit. Though, positive signs
can be seen in these directions as well," he stated.

"And I find no difficulties in Georgian-Armenian interstate
relations. In the future our joint aspiration for integrating into
the European Union will become the priority trend in our bilateral
relations, I believe. Though this prospect may not be that close,
it isn’t that far off either," the diplomat pointed out.