Poisonous River In Kapan Kills Fish


Jun 06 2006

KAPAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS: On June 5 when some organizations in
Yerevan were marking the World Environment Day residents of the town of
Kapan, the administrative center of the southern province of Syunik,
noticed piles of dead fish in the river of Vachagan that runs through
their town.

Experts from the regional ecological inspection took samples of the
water from the river and bodies of dead fish to examine and find out
what may have caused their death. The results of their examination are
expected today. According to a preliminary theory, the fish might have
died of high concentration of chlorine in the water. Local prosecutors
have opened an investigation into the case.

A similar case was registered back in 1991 when workers of the local
Spin plant poured out poisonous substances into the river.