Charitable Action

19:31 03/06/06


The Charitable action on collection of the financial means for
rendering help to refugee children is organized by UN High
Commissioner for Refugee Branch Office in Armenia (UNHCR) with
information support of the Armenian PR Association (APRA). The Action
is being organized in celebration of June 20 – a World Refugee Day
-which is observed all over the world every year on initiative of UN
Secretary – General.

There are a number of other events and actions aimed at attracting
attention of Armenian public to the problems of the socially
vulnerable layers of society.

Postery, photographies and information messages, calling public to
take part in fund raising campaign are placed in the Internet (
through the and
forums). Number of commercial and international organizations have
already expressed their readiness to participate in the campaign All
the resources, gathered due to the action, will be directed to
financing of children’s vacation in Summer Camp