French Film Director Marie-Dominique Massol Shoots Film About Armeni


Noyan Tapan
May 30 2006

VANADZOR, MAY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. It’s already the third time that
Marie-Dominique Massol, the Director of the French film directors’
“Cap Monde” organization visits Armenia: the director was in Vanadzor
on May 29. Marie-Dominique Massol is director of 12 films. The film
director touched upon in her films history and culture of Slovakia,
Lithuania, California, New York and a number of other countries and
cities of the world. As the Noyan Tapan correspondent informs from
Vanadzor, Marie-Dominique has a goal to create the 13th film which will
this time tell about Armenia. As the “Cap Monde” organization Director
mentioned, the film will tell about historic-cultural monuments of
Armenia, the Armenian people’s traditions and life. The film will be
ready in October and will be shown in France. The main goal of the
film is to make tourists interested in Armenia. The film director
has already visited Etchmiadzin, and his visit to the Surb Narekatsi
Church of Vanadzor coincided with the ceremony of christening of 2
pupils of the “Masreni” literary-music group.