Food Commodity Prices Remain Unchanged In Armenia In April


Noyan Tapan
May 03 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 3, NOYAN TAPAN. Food commodity prices remained unchanged
in Armenia in April on March 2006. Out of 13 commodity groups observed,
a 0.1-26.7% price growth was registered in 8 groups, a 4.8-5.2 price
fall – in 2 groups, and prices remained unchanged in 3 commodity
groups. According to the RA National Statistical Service, a 26.7%
price growth was registered in fish product commodity group in April
on March, which is mainly the result of a 33.1% growth in the price
of fresh white fish. The upward tendency in the price of granulated
sugar continued in March and the overall price growth over the first
four months of 2006 made 26.5%. The price of granulated sugar grew
by 8% in April on March 2006. A 0.7% price growth was registered in
the meat commodity group in April on March 2006, mainly due to an
increase in the prices of mutton (9.3%) and beef (2.6%). The price
of pork increased by 0.4% in the indicated period. A 0.1-0.6% price
growth was registered in the following commodity groups: confectionery,
soft drinks, butter and vegetable oil in April on March 2006, while
the prices of bread products, milk products, coffee, tea, cocoa,
alcoholic drinks and cigarettes reamined at the previous month’s
level. The average price of eggs declined by 4.8% in the period under
review. The fall in the prices of potato and vegetables made 5.2%
in Armenia in April on March 2006. Over the indicated period, there
was a decline in the prices of cabbage (12.3%), cucumber (15.6%),
leek (29.1%), onion (4.7%) and potato (5.9%). At the same time, the
prices of tomato, carrot and beet grew by 5.1-44% in the country. A
0.4% price growth was registered in the fruit commodity group, which
was mostly conditioned by a 3.2% growth in the price of pomegranate,
as well as in the prices of such imported fruits as orange (3.9%),
tangerine (11.1%) and banana (2.0%).