
Thursday, December 29, 2005
“When the rich fight, it is the poor who die.”
Power begins with the power to redefine words by perverting their meaning.
Patriotism redefined means to hate your enemy’s patriotism.
In time of war the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” becomes “Thou shalt kill!”
The poor are brainwashed to die in the name of patriotism. The rich are educated to lie and deceive in defense of their powers and privileges.
A hero is one who dies in the name of a Big Lie.
When I use the word hate in a political or religious context it also means to hate unto death.
To believe in your god also means to question and reject the existence of all other gods.
To love god also means to hate those who do not share your love.
Friday, December 30, 2005
“Was Santa good to you?” I asked an old Jewish friend in Texas. “Santa is an anti-Semite,” he replied. “He never visits Jewish homes.”
“You Armenians are lucky,” this same friend once told me, “Only Turks are after your ass. The whole world is after ours!” Poor old overworked Santa too?
Because I use my common sense and make an honest effort to be objective, dupes call me a cynic, a charlatan, a hostile witness, an enemy, a denialist, and a number of other unprintable names. Questioning the validity of illusions can be a dangerous career move.
Armenians who portray themselves as victims sometimes forget the ruthlessness with which they victimize fellow Armenians who refuse to recycle their favorite brand of crapola.
Sheep and wolves can be easily identified.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing can be exposed.
But sheep whose secret ambition is to be wolves can be as slippery as Turkish olive-oil wrestlers or used condoms.
Armenians: the most unassailable argument against Intelligent Design.