Exhibit Garo Antreasian

A Survey of the Paintings, Drawings and Prints of Garo Antreasian, Sept. 6
-October 30
Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, CA

Friday, October 27 Conversation with the Artist

The large works on exhibit include The Red Brigade (Plate 4 of
4). Acrylic on wood, 66 x 24″. Courtesy of the Artist and Gerald
Peters Gallery (Santa Fe) Its severity balanced by the use of
intensely rich color. The Memorial Series (Plates I – IV), 2004, is a
dramatic and somber reference to commemorate all martyrs and has been
created using charcoal on paper.

The name of Garo Antreasian has been synonymous with creative
lithography in the United States for the past fifty years. In 1994,
Antreasian was awarded Printmaker Emeritus by the Southern Graphics
Council and he also holds the Honorary Master Printer Certificate
awarded in 1969 by Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Los Angeles, where
he worked as Technical director. He was a Professor and Chairman of
the Department of Art and Art History at the University of New Mexico
from 1964 through 1987 as well as the Technical Director of the
Tamarind Institute of the University of New Mexico. Other honors,
among many, include fellowships for travel and study, and Visiting
Lecturer Fulbright Award from San Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
His work is a part of important collections including the Library of
Congress, Smithsonian Institute, and the New York Public Library.

“Conversation with the Artist” –5 pm, Friday, October 27.