BAKU: Agreed element in talks on solving NK conflict is associatedwi

Agreed element in talks on solving Nagrno Karabakh conflict is associated with returning 5 regions

Today, Azerbaijan
July 16 2005

15 July 2005 [09:23] – Today.Az

The question of returning 5 regions of the occupied territories to
Azerbaijan has already been solved; this question is not the subject
of the talks held by means of the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group

This was informed to APA from the diplomatic sources. The source
noted that the Russian co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Yuri
Merzlyakov when saying ?Full consent was achieved on one element in
the talks on regulating the Nagorno Karabakh conflict? considered
that the sides reached a full agreement in the question of returning
five regions to Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the source which name is not explained
informed in its explanation to APA given on May 12 that the Armed
Forces of Armenia gave their consent to withdraw in stages from the
Azerbaijani lands being under their occupation.

According to the information, ?The plan about Armed Forces? of
Armenia withdrawing from 7 occupied regions in stages was discussed
in the meeting held between the foreign affairs ministers of
Azerbaijan and Armenia and OSCE Minsk Group chairmen in London. The
Azerbaijani side delivered its changes proposed to the plan to the
chairmen of the Minsk Group and the co-chairmen discussed those
changes with Vardan Oskanyan. Then the latest variant agreed with
Armenia was presented to official Baku. The plan grounded upon the
?5+1+1? formula intends Armed Forces? of Armenia being primarily
withdrawn from five regions ? Gubadli, Zangilan, Fuzuli, Jebrail and
Aghdam. After these territories are given under the control of
Azerbaijan the peace agreement will be signed between the sides.
After the peace agreement is signed the Armed Forces of Armenia will
firstly leave Kelbajar, then Lachin.

The source informed in its explanation to APA given on May 12 that
the document was changed at the urgent request of the Azerbaijani
side in this form: ?If the process of withdrawing the armies is not
realized in accordance with the graphic after the agreement is
signed, then the signed document will automatically lose its