What to do with human remains?

AZG Armenian Daily #122, 02/07/2005



Last year, a woman from Vanadzor submitted a rather strange complaint to the
Consumers’ Union. Amputating her mother’s toe, doctors simply handed it to
her to deal with.

What to do with human remains after a surgery? This is a serious question
today for Armenian hospitals. Having no crematorium, each hospital finds its
own ways of doing away with human limbs. Some of them bury the remnants,
others simply throw them to refuse chute. That is the main reason why there
are always stray dogs roaming in the hospital yards creating conditions for
horrible infections. The third unacceptable way to get rid of the human
remains is, as we mentioned, handing amputated parts to the relatives
without caring for physiological aftereffects.

“Armenia” Medical Center is the only one in Armenia where a crematorium is
functioning. The Center was much praised by American specialists who visited
it recently. Director of the Center, Grigor Grigorian, said that they intend
to further improve it, raising up to European standards.

By Karine Danielian