Fresno: What do you like about Armenian Town?

Fresno Bee (California)
April 14, 2005, Thursday FINAL EDITION

What do you like about Armenian Town?

Lucille Gahvejian

“It was just a wonderful, magical place to live. Growing up here, you
had one big family who loved you. It was a safe haven, and we thought
this was the way the world was. It’s the way the world should be.”

Phillip Cartozian

“I still love the old Armenian Town. I just don’t want to lose this,
because of my children and their children. I get real wonderful
feelings when I come down here.”

Joel Aranaz

“It’s changing very rapidly. I think that’s what excites me, the
possibilities it holds. The other thing is the architecture of the
[Holy Trinity] Armenian church. It’s a fabulous building.”

Earl Elliott

“It’s the longevity. Most of the people who work downtown stay
downtown, like me. People who worked down here still frequent the
same businesses. People here become like family.”

Harold Jouroyan

“I’ve been around here for 88 years, raised, born two blocks away —
I better still like it.”
From: Baghdasarian