Aleksey Sisakian Newly Appointed Head of Dubnay Nuclear Institute

AZG Armenian Daily #068, 16/04/2005



Professor Aleksey Norayr Sisakian was appointed the head of Dubnay United
Nuclear Research Institute during the sitting of DUINR member countries’
authority representatives.

Aleksey Sisakian is a prominent specialist of ultimate particles physics and
mathematical physics, current member of RF Academy of Natural Sciences,
foreign member of RA National Academy of Science, author of over 300
scientific researches and 5 poetic collections.

According to the Russian Mass Media, Sisakian is the fifth head of Dubnay
United Nuclear Research Institute during the 50 years of its history. He was
born in Moscow, 1944. His father was world known Academician Norayr Sisakian
(1907-1966). Norayr Sisakian was the establisher of the Cosmic Biology.
Streets in Yerevan and Ashtarak, as well as one of the Moon craters were
named after him.

Aleksey Sisakian was awarded 6 Russian and foreign medals, including the
medal of the Russian P. Kapica academy of Natural Sciences. He is an
honorable doctor at several foreign universities, as well as current member
of RF Architectural Academy, of the European Academy of Sciences in Brussels
and other scientific centers.

By Petros Keshishian