We and The Eu



| 16:56:09 | 08-04-2005 | Official |

Today Robert Kocharyan has had a consultation with the members of
the Committee regulating the meeting of commitments taken upon before
the EU.

The course of amending the Laws about elections, parties, local
self-governing, human rights, mass media and a number of other fields
has been discussed.

The members of the Committee have informed that they have already
sent to the EU Venice Committee the draft laws amended taking into
account their offers. They expect to receive positive opinion about
them and to logically finish the process.

Issues about constitutional amendments have also been discussed. Robert
Kocharyan found it important to form a final draft with a high level
of consensus.

According to the members of the Committee, if the draft constitution
has the positive conclusion of the Venice Committee, and a referendum
is organized, Armenia will finish the year of 2005 without any other
commitments to the EU.