Ararat from opposite side

Ararat from opposite side
By Armine Ghazarian

February 04, 2005

â~@~Each person lives a life with his/her own inner
responsibility. Oneâ~@~Ys moral character is shaped in oneâ~@~Ys and
social environment. Oneâ~@~Ys work is a pre-condition and pledge
for his existence. If a person does not have working obligations,
he stops being a social member and loses his place in life. The art
of living is the greatest science.â~@~]

This is the introduction in the book of David Sargsian, Roza Nazarian,
â~@~ Ararat from the opposite sideâ~@~], devoted to one of the
best masters of this art, Mikhail Grigorian, whose life was devoted
to fighting art. This book is meant to â~@~ helpâ~@~] the society
recognize historical truths, at the same time appreciating the beauty,
kind and wise.

â~@~For years humanity has swallowed the voice of its just anger
and, being persecuted by exile and terror, has shaped the notions
of â~@~Golden silenceâ~@~], keep the tongue behind the teeth and
other sayings. Now it is time to spend that gold, otherwise it will
not pass to the coming generations and will become worthless,â~@~]
says the author.

The path of military actor goes through many hardships and eventually
ends in the glorious victory of Artsakh. Many values get re-evaluated
during the life. The only thing not changed is the love for the

Armenian deputy defense minister, general-lieutenant Mikhail
Grigorian descends from the Moush region, Borbojants family in of
Western Armenia. The book authors believe he has asserted himself as
an honorable successor and developed into a glorious pillar of the
patriotism in his homeland.
