Western United States Youth To Protest Turkish Admission To EU


LOS ANGELES, December 16 (Noyan Tapan). The Armenian Youth Federation,
Western United States Central Executive announced that it will hold
a protest at the Netherlands Consulate in Los Angeles to express its
opposition to Turkey’s possible membership in the European Union.

“Before considering Turkey’s admission into the EU, European leaders
should consider Turkey’s abysmal record on human rights,” commented
Shant Baboujian, chairman of the AYF. “If Turkey wants to be considered
a part of Europe and the EU, it has to first adhere to basic human
rights standards – this includes admitting the historical record of
the Armenian Genocide.”

Baboujian explains that the AYF will present a formal letter to
the Consul General of Netherlands, which chairs the EU, to convey
its opposition.

The Los Angeles protest is one of many peaceful protests taking place
around the world this week in an international Armenian effort to
voice opposition to Turkish membership in the EU. The largest such
demonstration is undertaken by the Armenian National Committee
of Europe, which is organizing a massive protest in Brussels on
December 17.

Youth will begin picketing at the Netherlands Consulate starting at
3pm on December 16.