War Fighters Protesting

A1 Plus | 14:47:29 | 05-10-2004 | Social |


Authorities manage to split and incite the various strata against each
other. The families of invalid and perished war fighters of Artcakh
now face the situation.

The point is that the families of dead fighters will be granted to
apartments under the prior order set by Armenian Government. The
invalid and wounded war fighters consider the decision absurd since
sometimes a few wives of one dead fighter who had given birth to one
and more sons of the same fighter are allocated apartments.

The initiative group of commanders of Artcakh War has today held a
press conference in Armenian Aryans’ Union. They set Government a
deadline till tomorrow to respond to their demand of 6 points or else
they will go on a termless sit-in in front of the Government building.

Initiative group demands:

1. to declare 2005 the Year of War Fighters;
2. to pass a law on the status of war fighters;
3. to restore the privileges provided by the decree of President in 1992;
4. to reconsider Government decision and to increase the least wage of invalid war fighters to the least pension for a military man retiring;
5. to grant the dwelling problem of perished and dead war fighters;
6. to count and to involve the expenses for the above issues in 2005 budget.