Bukinist Bookstore Sued By Jewish Community


A1 Plus | 15:17:34 | 02-09-2004 | Social |

On Thursday, Gherch Burstain, chair of Jewish Mordekhay Navi community
in Armenia, speaking at a seminar on ethnic minorities held in Yerevan,
voiced alarm at appearing signs of anti-Jewish sentiments in the
republic saying they can become dangerous.

In his opinion one of these sentiments’ reasons is that Armenians
are ill-informed about other nations’ history. He said people’s
insufficient knowledge in this area stirs up ethnic hatred.

Burstain said in recent days the community launched a legal action
against Bukinist bookstore for disseminating anti-Jewish literature
that is intended for planting hatred against Jews and damage relations
between the two nations.

Head of the Ethnic Minorities Coordination and their Rights Awareness
program Stepan Safaryan said the delay in the Ethnic Minorities Law
adoption is hobbling solution of these problems.

Stepan Safaryan is convicted that urgent solution of ethnic minorities’
problems is one of the means to obtain the CE confidence toward