BAKU: Joint press conference of Aliyev & Schroeder

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
Aug 26 2004

[August 26, 2004, 13:06:29]

On the end of ceremony of signing of the documents, President of
Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the Federal Chancellor of Germany Gerhard
Schroeder have held a news conference. Head of the government of
Germany and the President of Azerbaijan have made statements.


– Dear ladies and gentlemen!

I want to note that I am very glad to welcome here the President of
Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. It is pleased because Mr. Aliyev after
election as the President has arrived here with the first official
visit. Political relations between Azerbaijan and Germany are at a
fine high level. I think, that Mr. President is very much interested
in creation in Azerbaijan of a lawful state, makes huge efforts for
this purpose and has achieved successes. Therefore, I regard him with
the deep respect. Due to the reforms, which are carried out in the
country by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, surprising results have been achieved,
in good sense. And it gives a strong pulse to development of economy,
and all this will go to the blessing of the Azerbaijan society.

As of political question, I can tell, that Germany, as before, and
today is the partner of Azerbaijan, has recognized and will recognize
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We concern to this with huge
respect. Mr. President, and I count, that the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorny Karabakh conflict should be settled only by peace way.
Germany will make its contribution and make efforts within the
framework of activity of the OSCE Minsk Group.

Today, all of us became witnesses of signing of the contract
concerning purchase of four airbuses that serves as display of our
economic relations. Azerbaijan also counts the given contract
extremely serious. Certainly, the purpose consists in integration
into Europe. At the same time, the question is realization of the EU
New Neighborhood Policy. It follows great purposes.

I want to note also activity of the German companies in Azerbaijan.
At our meeting Mr. President has noted, that there are fine
conditions for cooperation and interactions with the German companies
in power and infrastructure spheres, and he welcomes them in
Azerbaijan!’ For example, such companies, as “Siemens”, is interested
in realization there of some projects.

Within the framework of negotiations we came to an agreement that in
the coming autumn or in the beginning of the next year to carry out
in Berlin a conference with participation of representatives of the
German economy in connection with investments in Azerbaijan. In the
conference, discussed were real opportunities existing in Azerbaijan,
particularly, concrete projects so that we have started close
economic cooperation. I am absolutely confident, that visit of Mr.
president to Germany is useful to both sides and will do well for
both sides.


– Dear ladies and gentlemen!

First of all, I want to note, that it is my first official visit to
Federal Republic of Germany, and I am very glad, that it passes at
very high level. Within the framework of visit today in the morning I
have met the President of Germany. Besides my meeting with Mr.
Federal Chancellor today has taken place. I want to note, that the
wide exchange of opinions has been carried out. The German-Azerbaijan
mutual relations were discussed.

Relations of Azerbaijan with the European Union promptly develop. It
satisfies both the European Union and us. Germany is one of the
leading countries of Europe and the world and possesses very powerful
economic potential.

Due to the carried out in the last years in Azerbaijan economic
reforms, our country, too, has got stronger, our economic potential
every year grows. The authority of Azerbaijan on our region both with
economic, and from the political point of view grows and its
positions become stronger. Certainly, taking into account it, we
hope, that after present visit cooperation existing between the two
countries in all areas becomes even wider. We very much hope, that
connections between Germany and Azerbaijan in political, economic and
in all other spheres became even wider, more strong, and that two
countries became closer each other.

We also had exchange of views on concrete projects. Today, the
contract about purchase of airbuses has been signed. Mr. Chancellor
has noted, that this contract is extremely important both for
Azerbaijan, and for the European countries. It is confident, that
henceforth our cooperation with Europe will develop even more
promptly and in other branches.

We are very pleased with the position of the government of Germany in
the question of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict.
Today, Mr. Chancellor has noted that Germany always has faithfully
concerned and nowadays concerns the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan. I hope, that being guided by the mentioned principle, it
will be shortly possible to achieve peace settlement of the conflict
between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

There is a fine ground for the even greater development of mutual
relations, and the present visit has defined new directions of the
future cooperation. I want to express confidence, that we and
henceforth shall cooperate successfully in all areas.


Then, the Presidents answered questions of media representatives.

Q: Mr. Chancellor, you have noted that economic relations between
Azerbaijan and Germany are at a high level. And what situation in the
field of culture? If it is necessary to develop connections and in
this area, what you for this purpose would undertake?

GERHARD SCHROEDER: I always considered, that it is impossible to
differentiate the relations between the countries. Irrespective of,
whether there is a speech about policy or economy, it is necessary to
concern with respect to each sphere as it makes a basis of fruitful
cooperation and friendship. Also cultural cooperation with
Azerbaijan, therefore, is extremely important. Unfortunately, in this
case I cannot tell, what particularly it means in this area. But if
in this sphere this or that initiative will be put forward, I am
ready to support it. I think, that we can approach with optimism to
the mentioned question as your possession of German language at so
high level testifies to how far we have promoted in the field of

Q: Mr. President, you have noted, that the Nagorny Karabakh conflict
can be settled in the political way. What means are necessary for
this purpose?

ILHAM ALIYEV: The first means consists that international legal norms
should be observed. Armenia has occupied the Nagorny Karabakh region
and adjacent to it our seven regions of Azerbaijan, and occupation
continue already long years. Until the armed forces of Armenia will
not be pulled back from the occupied lands, the conflict cannot find
its settlement. Therefore, first of all, international legal norms
should be observed. National minorities worldwide live, however, it
does not mean at all, that they should follow the road of separatism.
The various nations live in Azerbaijan, and the Armenians, too, can
live in Nagorny Karabakh. If international legal norms will find
realization and if the Azerbaijan lands will be released from
occupation, Azerbaijan and Armenia can come nearer to the peace
agreement. The thesis, which is put forward by the Armenian side,
consists that the Armenians living in Nagorny Karabakh should gain
independence. I want to state that the Armenian people has already
gained independence, there is a state of Armenia. Their policy has no
future; it contradicts processes proceeding in the world. I hope,
that the management of Armenia shortly will understand it and will
remove the armed forces from the lands not belonging to them.

Q: Southern Caucasus integrates into the European family, it is
already counted a part of Europe, and however the European Union has
not stated concrete position in connection with conflicts on Southern
Caucasus, including the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. Germany is one of
the leading states of the world, with a notable weight in the
European Union, the European parliament. What role in this sense
Germany can play?

GERHARD SCHROEDER: If the European Parliament will directly interfere
with the given question it can regard as intervention in the policy
of the said states. I during conversation with Mr. President have
noted, that we always recognized territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
and our position remains unchanged. I think, that such position is
held not only by us, but also by the European parliament.

Q: Did You have exchange of views on combat against the international
terrorism? What can you tell in connection with last air crashes in

GERHARD SCHROEDER: Unfortunately, I have no exact information on the
air crashes, and investigations, probably, are conducted, therefore,
I would not like to suppose discrepancies. The reasons of accidents
will be known after investigations.


On August 25, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received in
his residence members of the Bundestag of Germany.

This very day in the evening, the Company “Siemens” arranged a
banquet in honor of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. During
the banquet, there were heads of the leading German companies and

Official visit of the President of Azerbaijan to Germany continues.