Hellenic Resources Network
Saturday, 3 April 2004
Armenian Genocide Quotes
Mustafa “Ataturk” Kemal
Founder of the modern Turkish Republic in 1923 and revered throughout
Turkey, in an interview published on August 1, 1926 in The Los Angeles
Examiner, talking about former Young Turks in his country…
These left-overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made
to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly
driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the
Republican rule.
Adolf Hitler
While persuading his associates that a Jewish holocaust would be tolerated
by the west stated…
Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?
Yossi Beilin
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister. April 27, 1994 on the floor of the Knesset
in response to a TV interview of the Turkish Ambassador
It was not war. It was most certainly massacre and genocide, something the
world must remember… We will always reject any attempt to erase its
record, even for some political advantage.
Gerald Ford
Addressing the US House of Representatives.
Mr. Speaker, with mixed emotions we mark the 50th anniversary of the Turkish
genocide of the Armenian people. In taking notice of the shocking events in
1915, we observe this anniversary with sorrow in recalling the massacres of
Armenians and with pride in saluting those brave patriots who survived to
fight on the side of freedom during World War I. – Congressional Record, pg.