News magazine in secular Turkey honors al Qaeda

News magazine in secular Turkey honors al Qaeda

By Nicholas Birch
August 22, 2005

ISTANBUL — A new magazine titled Kaide — Turkish for al Qaeda — praises
terror mastermind Osama bin Laden, glamorizes the July 7 bombings in London
and vividly illustrates that extremism lurks in this secular nation where
Islam is tightly regulated.

Edited in Turkey’s most cosmopolitan city, Istanbul, and available on
newsstands everywhere, the magazine veers between the laughable and the

Headlines such as “The Taliban have killed 600 GIs” jostle for space
with proud revelations of yet another jihadist decapitation in Iraq.
U.S.-led forces ousted the hard-line Taliban regime from Afghanistan in late

The main editorial sets “domination” as its goal and
“Christian-Jewish-Western imperialism” as its main object of hate.

With investigations continuing into a Turkish group that took
responsibility for four suicide bombings in Istanbul in November 2003 that
killed 62 persons, the magazine underscores the continuing appeal of
militant Islam in a nation that seeks to join the European Union.

“Our souls are tied with al Qaeda,” Kaide editor Ali Osman Zor told the
secular weekly Tempo at his magazine’s office in Kasimpasa, a poor Istanbul
district in which Turkey’s prime minister grew up. “We are honored to have
this tie.”

Asked to explain the magazine’s cover headline — “Al-Qaeda is
liberating the world” — he described recent bomb attacks on London and the
Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheik as “payback” for the “100,000 Iraqi
civilians … killed in the name of what [President] Bush calls ‘liberating

“I do not consider those killed in the London attacks as innocent,” he
said, “because [they] paid taxes to the English government … which is
responsible for the killing of thousands of Muslims.”

Barely two years ago, Mr. Zor and his editorial colleagues seemed likely
to spend most of the rest of their lives in jail.

A former spokesman for the Great East Islamic Raiders Front or IBDA-C —
an extremist Salafist group set up in the late 1970s — Mr. Zor was
imprisoned in 1999 for “attempting to overthrow Turkey’s secular state by

The group’s leader, Salih Izzet Erdis, is still in solitary confinement,
but many of his followers were pardoned last year.

It is a decision the government may have regretted when IBDA-C took
responsibility later last year for the four Istanbul bombings — a claim met
with skepticism within the Turkish intelligence community.

Like another newsletter the group publishes, Aylik, the main aim of
Kaide appears to be to broaden support, but it is difficult to tell whether
it will succeed.

Support for Islamic extremism in Turkey always has been limited and
appears to be diminishing. Seven percent of Turkish respondents to a Pew
poll released last month expressed “some confidence” that bin Laden would
“do the right thing regarding world affairs.”

Armenian side denies fact of capturing Azerbaijani soldier

Agency WPS
August 22, 2005, Monday


The information about capturing Azerbaijan soldier, Ramil
Khudaverdyev, was officially proved by the Yerevan branch of Red
Cross International Committee (RCIC). The corresponding information
was sent to the Baku office of RCIC. At the same time, the letter of
Khudaverdyev himself was sent to Baku. That is why, the ascertaining
of Armenian defense ministry representative, Seyran Shakhsuvaryan,
about the fact that Armenians did not capture Khudaverdyev is
disinformation. That was declared by secretary of the State Committee
in charge of prisoners of war, hostages and lost, Shain Sailov,
commenting on today’s declaration of Shakhsuvaryan to ARMINFO agency.
We shall remind you that ensign Ramil Khudaverdyev vanished on the
front line on August 3, of this year.

Armenians of Turkey (part 2/7) – In Diarbekir … (in French)

La Croix , France
23 août 2005

Un été dans La Croix.
Les arméniens de turquie (2/7).

Dossier. A Diyarbakir, la foi des catacombes. Il n’y a presque plus
d’Arméniens à Diyarbakir. Quelques anciens gardent une flamme
vacillante, et un jeune, revenu à la religion de ses grands-parents,
envisage de se rendre rapidement à Istamboul. DIYARBAKIR, reportage
de notre envoyé spécial.

par PLOQUIN Jean-Christophe

L’église Surp Giragos de Diyarbakir est une longue plainte à ciel
ouvert. Un enseignant turc de passage prophétise: “Nous sommes les
enfants de l’Histoire. Si l’Histoire est en ruine, les gens le sont
aussi. J’ai honte, car des étrangers viennent et nous demandent notre
histoire. Et nous ne la savons pas.” Musulman, cet instituteur
s’annonce “socialiste et matérialiste”.

La btisse, qui relevait du culte arménien apostolique, était
imposante, à en juger par les travées conduisant du vaste portique
d’entrée aux cinq autels. Les restes de trois d’entre eux se dressent
encore, fantômes de stuc sur lesquels se découpent quelques angelots
et des motifs floraux ou géométriques teintés d’ocre ou de vert. Le
plafond a disparu. La tribune est effondrée. Les arches sont brisées.
Les chapiteaux posés sur d’élégantes colonnes témoignent seuls d’un
style dépouillé et altier. Rien alentour n’est susceptible de
retracer l’histoire du lieu. Un guide touristique récemment édité par
la municipalité évoque une construction au XVIe siècle. Les pierres,
muettes, renvoient le visiteur à sa propre désolation.

Dans la cour attenante, une famille kurde garde les clés. La jeune
femme, menue et vive, ouvre la porte d’une toute petite btisse qui
ne contient qu’une pièce aux murs bleu ple. Un autel en bois,
quelques bancs et une étroite tribune forment le seul mobilier. Un
décor grossièrement sculpté porte la date du 20 mars 1949. Là se
déroulait la liturgie, dans les années 1950 et jusqu’aux années 1960,
lorsque Diyarbakir comptait, selon certains témoins se rappelant leur
jeunesse, quelques milliers d’Arméniens. Aujourd’hui, ils sont moins
d’une dizaine, huit, selon le patriarcat à Istamboul.

Le trousseau de clés réapparaît et une nouvelle porte s’ouvre, sur
l’ancien bureau de l’évêque, peint lui aussi en bleu ple. Le
fauteuil du prélat en impose encore. Un portrait d’Atatürk surplombe
celui d’un patriarche. Sur l’armoire en fer, un petit drapeau turc,
rouge vif, est le seul élément de décor récent. À l’intérieur, de
vieux livres en arménien s’entassent. Missels, registres de la
communauté, livres de prière…

“Ici, je me sens chez moi.” Garabed, un électricien de 24 ans à la
chevelure de jais et au sourire généreux, semble familier des lieux.
Il y a trois ans, il a été baptisé et a abandonné son prénom
d’origine, Farouk. Depuis, ses amis l’appellent Gavour, “l’infidèle”,
sur un registre mi-léger, mi-grinçant. En 1915, c’est au son de cette
insulte que des centaines de milliers d’Arméniens et de chrétiens
d’autres traditions ont été massacrés en Anatolie. Selon certaines
estimations, il y avait avant les tueries 120 000 chrétiens dans le
département de Diyarbakir, dont une moitié d’Arméniens.

Garabed explique que ses quatre grands-parents étaient d’origine
arménienne, mais qu’ils ont été élevés comme musulmans à Silvan, à
une heure de route à l’est de Diyarbakir, sur la route de Batman. En
1915, ils auraient survécu à la déportation, puis seraient revenus
dans leur village d’origine. Ils ont vécu dans un entre-deux culturel
et religieux, manifestant les signes extérieurs nécessaires à leur
tranquillité. Les parents du jeune homme ne pratiquaient pas mais
“savaient d’où ils venaient”, poursuit-il. Leurs voisins aussi, sans
doute. Il y a une trentaine d’années, “ces esprits faibles, des
imbéciles”, les ont chassés de leur domicile. “Pour eux, si on tue un
chrétien, on va au paradis.” Ses parents et ses soeurs sont
aujourd’hui établis dans des villes de l’Ouest. Garabed explique son
itinéraire personnel avec simplicité. “Je me suis dit que si
j’oubliais mes racines, je ne serais pas un homme d’honneur. Or, sans
honneur, un homme ne peut pas vivre. C’est quelque chose que vous
devez ressentir. Je l’ai ressenti, donc je l’ai fait.”

Pendant un an, il a vécu à Istamboul pour y suivre son catéchuménat.
Puis il est revenu à Diyarbakir, mais la vie lui paraît ici trop
dure, trop dangereuse aussi. L’isolement lui pèse. Il connaît un
fonctionnaire qui voudrait, comme lui, revenir à sa culture
d’origine, mais qui ne pourrait le faire sans être licencié. Idem
pour un commerçant qui perdrait à coup sûr ses clients. “Je veux
partir, soupire-t-il. Je ne sais pas de quoi demain sera fait.” Une
personne qui le suit depuis Istamboul ne cache pas son inquiétude et
son indignation envers le patriarcat arménien “qui l’a laissé
repartir alors qu’il aurait fallu l’aider à rester” sur les bords du

Son seul réconfort, Garabed le trouve près de la petite communauté
chrétienne qui vit aux abords de l’église de la Vierge-Marie, une
belle btisse de rite syriaque dont la restauration a été commémorée
le 22 mai dernier. Au XIXe siècle, un patriarche était venu s’établir
ici, et y avait fait btir, derrière de hauts murs, un petit complexe
religieux constitué d’écoles et d’habitations autour de quatre
courettes. Sept à huit familles chrétiennes y vivent aujourd’hui,
dont celle du prêtre, le P. Yusuf Akbulut.

Ce matin-là, des enfants jouent avec l’eau de la fontaine. Légèrement
à l’écart, sur une terrasse, deux vieilles femmes, deux soeurs,
brodent en silence, assises sur un banc sommaire garni de coussins
rouges. Un homme s’active dans la soupente. Sitki et Bayzar Eken,
couple sans enfant, représentent, avec Victoria, la soeur, la face
visible des Arméniens de Diyarbakirý. Ils ont respectivement 75, 78
et 68 ans. “Tous les autres sont partis. Je suis le dernier. Ne me
demandez pas pourquoi”, lche le vieil homme.

Lui aussi est originaire des environs de Silvan. Son père avait 12
ans en 1915 et a été sauvé par le chef de village qui l’a présenté
comme un musulman. Ses parents sont venus à Diyarbakir quand il avait
un an. Dans un cadre, ramené de la cuisine, cinq photos aux couleurs
fanées témoignent de liens familiaux entretenus aux quatre coins du
monde. Son grand frère était parti au Canada, mais il est mort il y a
deux ans. Son jeune frère vit aux Pays-Bas. Un enfant qui rit sur
l’un des clichés a aujourd’hui 27 ans et vient de se marier du côté
d’Amsterdam. Sitki et Bayzar iront le voir lors de son prochain
passage à Istamboul. Les gens de la diaspora ne viennent jamais
jusqu’à Diyarbakir.

Le vieil homme n’a jamais parlé que le turc, mais sa femme n’a pas
besoin de chercher dans sa mémoire pour que reviennent les formules
de salutations dans sa langue maternelle. “On parlait arménien à la
maison avec mon père et ma mère, mais j’ai beaucoup oublié”,
s’excuse-t-elle. Sa famille a quitté, il y a cinquante ans, la petite
ville de Lice. “Nous avons été les derniers à partir. Mais il restait
beaucoup d’Arméniens d’origine”, raconte-t-elle en secouant la main.

Les tasses de café à la cardamome sont brûlantes. Le silence
s’installe peu à peu. Y aura-t-il encore des Arméniens à Diyarbakir
dans vingt ans? Bayzar Eken fait la moue. “Dieu seul le sait, répond
son mari, mais ce sera difficile. Même si les Arméniens retrouvent
leurs droits, l’économie ici n’est pas bonne.” En attendant, les
trois survivants gardent la flamme.


Plus de trois mille ans d’histoire

Les Arméniens sont un peuple indo-européen présent en Asie mineure
depuis environ 1150 av. J.-C. Le nom de l’Arménie apparaît pour la
première fois vers 522 av. J.-C. dans la liste des 20 régions
administratives de l’empire perse de Darius. Deux cents ans plus
tard, un royaume d’Arménie est fondé. Le roi Tigrane (95-55) l’étend
des rives de la mer Caspienne jusqu’à Damas et Hamadan (Iran). En 314
apr. J.-C., l’évêque de Césarée de Cappadoce, Grégoire
l’Illuminateur, baptise le roi Tiridate et l’Arménie devient le
premier État officiellement chrétien. Soixante-dix ans plus tard, le
pays est démantelé entre l’empire byzantin et la Perse mais un moine,
Mesrop Machtots, invente l’alphabet arménien vers 405, ce qui sauve
ce peuple d’une assimilation certaine. En 506, dans le contexte des
controverses politico-théologiques nées à la suite du concile de
Chalcédoine (451), le chef spirituel de l’Église arménienne
revendique le titre de catholicos, chef suprême d’une Église
nationale indépendante de Byzance. Depuis lors, la langue et la
religion ont été les deux ciments de la nation arménienne à travers
les épreuves de l’Histoire.

Pour en savoir plus: L’Arménie à l’épreuve des siècles, d’Annie et
Jean-Pierre Mahé, “Découvertes” Gallimard, 160 p., 13,90 Euro.


Kars veut rouvrir

la frontière avec l’Arménie.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

European group leader says elections will test Azerbaijan democracy

European group leader says elections will test Azerbaijan’s democracy

AP Worldstream; Aug 23, 2005

The president of a European organization said Tuesday that November
parliamentary elections would test democracy in Azerbaijan, while an
opposition leader accused authorities of seeking to undermine his
campaign by running candidates with the same name.

“The upcoming elections are a test case for your country,” Rene van
der Linden, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe, told a news conference at the end of a two-day visit to the
politically tense Caucasus Mountain nation.

Referring to the Nov. 6 elections in Azerbaijan and a constitutional
referendum in neighboring Armenia, he said that “for both countries
it’s a real opportunity to show the international community that you
are willing and able to fulfill the commitments of free and fair

Van der Linden also urged Azerbaijan’s opposition to act responsibly
and “approach the elections in the constructive spirit of democracy,”
and called on law enforcement organizations to solve the March slaying
of opposition magazine editor Elmar Huseinov.

Tensions are high before the vote, with opposition groups fearing
fraud on the part of the government.

A leader of the opposition alliance Yeni Siyaset, Eldar Namazov, said
two candidates who shared his name have been nominated to run in his
district _ one a businessman and the other a prison guard _ in what he
called a bid to draw votes away from him by confusing voters.

Accusations of vote-rigging after the October 2003 presidential
election erupted into violence in the oil-rich former Soviet
republic’s capital, Baku.

Dutch Students To Present Real Situation in NK to Europe

X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian <[email protected]>
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 — ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

STEPANAKERT, AUGUST 23. ARMINFO. Under a project “Stories from Abroad”
and under the aegis of the Dutch Peacemaking Movement supported by the
World Interchurch Council, a student of Oriental-European Department
of Amsterdam University G.Tolbo is in Nagorny Karabakh. In his
interview to the Karabakh public newspaper Demo, the student stated
that the project is implemented to arise interest of the Dutch in the
problems of the South Caucasus, including political, cultural and
other aspects. G.Tolbo will stay in the region for 3 months.

Several weeks after, he will visit Yerevan and then Baku.

The student admits that he has got a pleasant and some unexpected
impression of Karabakh. He thinks the atmosphere very good. He admits
that before arriving in Karabakh he had some prejudices, but he thinks
open meetings and talks with politicians, religious leaders, public
workers, the youth and ordinary citizens will bring light to the
situation and he will be able to present the real situation to the
Dutch public.

BAKU: R Safarov’s lawyer says serviceman to stand in court on 9/27

Azerbaijan News Service
Aug 23 2005

SEP 27
2005-08-23 12:28

Ramil Safarov, Azeri serviceman, expecting of his next Court session
in Hungary feels normal. Lawyer Adil Ismailov, defending Ramil
Safarov, who is charged with murdering Armenian officer Qurgen
Markaryan expressed his dissatisfaction on some factors. Acording to
him in the next Court session on September 27, in Hungary, will be
held mainly due to expert examinations. Thus, in the initial expert
examinations there are some controversial moments. Adil Ismailov told
ANS that `in Court session to be held on September mainly expert
examinations will be investigated. Because the first testimonial of
the Court said that Ramil Safarov committed the crime in full
comprehension. But in the next testimony it was indicated that he
committed the murder in partial comprehension, that is while killing
the Armenian serviceman Armenian barbarism that Ramil Safarov
experienced in his childhood and some others influenced him to commit
the murder. Due to this a third expert examinations will be held’,
said Adil Ismailov. He added that no decision is expected in the next
session of the Court. What about Ramil Safarov’s extradition to
Azerbaijan, the Lawyer said that the issue is not lying to discussion
yet, but there is legal basis for it, and extradition of Azeri
serviceman to Azerbaijan can be realized only after Court decision.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian, Georgian presidents note importance of personal contacts

Armenian, Georgian presidents note importance of personal contacts

Arminfo, Yerevan
22 Aug 05

[Presenter] Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is paying an
unofficial visit to Armenia. Saakashvili is in Yerevan on holiday at
the invitation of the Armenian president [Robert Kocharyan]. He will
also discuss unofficially the problems that the two neighbouring
countries have.

The presidents discussed regional developments, as well as the
situation in [Georgia’s ethnic Armenian populated] Javakhk region.

[Passage omitted: known details]

[Correspondent over video] Asked by Georgian journalist whether
[Russian President Vladimir] Putin agrees with them that friendly
relations between the Armenian and Georgian presidents will help keep
stability and peace in the region, Armenian President Robert Kocharyan

[Kocharyan in Russian] I share the view that personal and friendly
relations between the presidents are important in terms of
establishing favourable relations between the sides. As far as I know,
Putin also attaches great importance to personal relations and
personal contacts. I struck up a close friendship with him.

I believe that it is a good sign that we have established not only
political but also friendly relations with Georgia.

We expect that relations between the presidents will also transfer our
relations into contacts between ordinary people. Relations between
ordinary people can form as a result of contacts. By contacts, I mean
tourism, mutual visits, business and other common interests. We should
preserve and expand what our peoples have achieved.

[Passage omitted: known details]

The Georgian president expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity
to have a two-day holiday in Armenia before returning to his country.
From: Baghdasarian

Opposition leader urges people to reject constitutional reforms

Armenian opposition leader urges people to reject constitutional reforms

23 Aug 05

Excerpt from Piruza Meliksetyan report by Armenian newspaper Iravunk
on 23 August “I will address the people on 29 August. Serious
preconditions will be created for a change of power in November”

Political figures often think it is a thankless task to make forecasts
or refrain from them. In the meantime, the secretary of the Justice
bloc, Viktor Dallakyan, made an exception and said that in November
domestic political events will develop in three directions. First and
foremost, tension will mount around the constitutional referendum
which will find a solution in November. Here is an interview with
Viktor Dallakyan.

[Correspondent] Whom will this solution favour?

[Dallakyan] I think it will be in favour of the people.

[Correspondent] Does this mean that you forecast at least a change of
power in November?

[Dallakyan] I forecast that the people will once again say “no” to the
so-called constitutional reforms submitted by the illegitimate
president and political forces supporting him, which creates serious
preconditions for a change of power. Incidentally, this procedure will
be quick enough.

[Correspondent] There are political figures who do not doubt that the
municipal election will be the basis of a revolution.

[Dallakyan] It is indisputable that the municipal election will create
some tension, and I think the ruling coalition will experience serious
domestic problems.

[Correspondent] From which point of view?

[Dallakyan] From the point of view of sharing “delicious pieces”. The
forces, which issue fine-sounding statements on a free and fair
election, have already shared the seats in election commissions among
themselves. This circumstance also shows that as usual, the
authorities will choose the way of rigging and falsifying the
municipal election.

I think there will be some tension over the scandalous privatization
of some facilities. I mean the power distributing grid and the concert
and sports complex.

[Correspondent] Do you neglect the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
as a factor that creates tension?

[Dallakyan] I do not rule out this circumstance either.

[Correspondent] Nevertheless, how can you explain that in the course
of the intensive developments around the constitutional reforms, the
Karabakh problem has not only been put on the back burner but also
seems to be forgotten at all.

[Dallakyan] If we carefully analyse problems related to the
constitutional reforms and the Karabakh conflict, we shall find out
that they are intertwined. Moreover, according to my observations,
there are structures (including European ones) which try to support
Kocharyan in the constitutional reforms in order to get compromises on
the settlement of the Karabakh conflict instead.

That’s to say if Kocharyan succeeds in the constitutional reforms
(which I think is possible only through falsifications), his decisions
concerning the Karabakh problem will be legalized to some extent. To
be more accurate, his decisions will be considered so.

Therefore, pressure on him in the Karabakh problem is simultaneously
accompanied with efforts to help him implement the constitutional

[Passage omitted: Dallakyan says that public money is being wasted in
casinos in Europe]

[Dallakyan] I think the people is resolute to get rid of the
authorities. In my opinion, the major goal of the opposition must be
to say “no” to the package of constitutional reforms proposed by
Kocharyan and his entourage through a national movement [as published]
and to transform the November referendum into a procedure of
overthrowing Kocharyan.

[Correspondent] Does this mean that you will publicize this idea from
the parliamentary rostrum on 29 August?

[Dallakyan] I have already made this idea public. I shall address the
people on 29 August.

Presentation of Turanalem Bank rep office takes place in Yerevan

ARKA News Agency
Aug 22 2005


YEREVAN, August 22. /ARKA/. A presentation of the TuranAlem Bank’s
representative office took place in Yerevan on August 22, 2005. The
goal of opening of an official representative office of the bank is
to ensure high quality bank services, contribute to development of
business relations between the countries, monitor the development of
the national market of financial services of Armenia and look for the
ways to enlarge business of TuranAlem Bank in Armenia.
According to the financial Director of TuranAlem Erick Sultankulov,
“the representative office of BTA in Armenia is a part of the
strategy of the bank “One bank, one account, all the CIS “, implying
establishment of a network of banks- strategic partners of BTA for
servicing economic interests of neighbor countries”. The
representative office of TuranAlem Bank in Yerevan has already
established some long-term contacts with leading companies of
According to the press release, RA President Robert Kocharyan showed
interest in opening of the representative office of the bank in
Armenia. In particular, during reception of the Ambassador of
Kazakhstan to Armenia in June 2005 Kocharyan mentioned that Armenia
strived for closer cooperation with Kazakhstan and would welcome
joint economic projects and coming of large Kazakh banks to
attractive branches of the economy of the country.
The chief strategic partner of BTA in Armenia is BTA Investbank, the
priority directions of which are medium-term and commercial funding,
hypothec crediting of the population and subjects of small business
aimed at medium-term and long-term funding of acquiring property in
the country.
TuranAlem Bank is a Kazakh bank, leader in creation of a bank network
in the CIS. The assets of BTA amount to $5,5 bln., aggregate capital
of the bank exceeds $600 mln.. Among the shareholders of the bank are
The group of banks – strategic partners, in the capital of which BTA
has its share, are also Slavinvestbank (Moscow), Omsk -bank (Omsk),
Astanaeximbank (Minsk), Agroincombank (Astrakhan), BTA -Kazan
(Kazan), ÁÒÀ Silk Road Bank (Georgia). A.H. –0–

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenians of Turkey (part 1/7B) – On the Road to Anatolia.. (French)

La Croix , France
22 août 2005

Un été dans La Croix.
Les Arméniens de Turquie (1/7).

Dossier. Sur les routes d’Anatolie, le retour aux racines. Le
génocide des Arméniens.

En 1915 et 1916, alors que l’Empire ottoman participe à la Première
Guerre mondiale aux côtés de l’Allemagne et de l’Autriche-Hongrie, le
gouvernement “jeune-turc” à Istamboul décide de déporter les
populations arméniennes des provinces de l’Est proches des lignes
russes. Dans les faits, une politique d’épuration ethnique est mise
en place, qui s’étend bien au-delà de ces provinces et dont le
principal responsable est Talaat Pacha, ministre de l’intérieur. Des
historiens estiment que 1,2 à 1,5 million d’Arméniens sont morts
entre 1915 et 1917 dans ces massacres qui ont pris la forme soit
d’exécutions sommaires de masse, soit d’une lente agonie sur les
routes qui conduisaient jusqu’à Alep et Deir-Ez-Zor, dans la Syrie
actuelle. Les deux tiers de la population arménienne de l’Empire
ottoman auraient ainsi péri. Les historiens officiels turcs divisent
ces chiffres par trois ou quatre.

Déjà, entre 1895 et 1897, plus de 300 000 Arméniens avaient été tués
lors de pogroms et de massacres à travers tout le pays sous le sultan
Abdhul Hamid.

Pour en savoir plus: Le Génocide des Arméniens, par Anne Dastakian et
Claire Mouradian, Éd. Tournon, 95 p., 6,90 Euro.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress