Armenian peacekeepers off to Germany to prepare for Afghanistan mission

A group of Armenian peacekeepers left for Germany today to prepare for a mission in Afghanistan, Press Service of the Armenian Ministry of Defense reports.

Before the departure the group was greeted by commander of the peacekeeping brigade, Major-General Arthur Simonyan. He urged the servicemen to fulfill the mission with dignity and remain committed to the traditions established in RA Armed Forces.

Armenia has been participating in the NATO mission in Afghanistan since 2010. The Armenian servicemen carry out their mission under the command of the German Armed Forces.

Germany to recall troops from Turkish base if Ankara blocks MPs’ visit

Germany has said it will recall troops at its Incirlik airbase in Turkey if Ankara continues to block German MPs visiting the camp. It is perhaps the clearest sign yet of escalating tensions between the two NATO member states, reports.

Ankara, angered by a resolution passed by Germany’s parliament in June that terms the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman forces genocide, has denied German MPs access to the base.

“The German army answers to parliament,” Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told the regional newspaper “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung.”

“And if parliament cannot visit its army, then the army cannot stay there. This is absolutely clear,” Gabriel said, adding that all 250 soldiers at the base – part of NATO operations against “Islamic State” militants in Iraq – could be pulled out.

Crucial partners in efforts to stem mass migration to Europe, Germany and Turkey have fallen out in recent months, with Erdogan angry over a broadcast of a satirical song about him on German television. The Armenian resolution, prompting Ankara to recall its ambassador to Germany, has deepened the rift.

German forces are currently on missions in around 13 countries, including Afghanistan and Kosovo, as well as monitoring in the Mediterranean.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that German MPs must be allowed to visit soldiers at the base, adding that she would try to resolve the issue with the Turkish government.

Chairman of the Armed Forces Association Andre WĂĽstner also on Wednesday warned against withdrawing German troops from Incirlik. “It is completely clear that MPs need to be allowed to travel,” WĂĽstner said on Wednesday as published in the ARD “Morning Magazine.”

A withdrawal of German soldiers fighting against so-called “Islamic State” (IS) would be “extremely detrimental,” WĂĽstner added.

Commodity turnover between Armenia, Russia exceeds $450 mln

The 17th sitting of the Armenian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation was held in St. Petersburg today under the chairmanship of Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan and Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov.

Issues related to the economy, energy, transport and legal framework, humanitarian cooperation, education, culture and other fields were discussed.

In a statement following the sitting the Armenian PM stressed the positive move in the field of trade-economic cooperation. He hailed the results of the meeting and the agreements reached within that framework.

Maxim Sokolov noted, in turn, that a 10% growth was registered in the commodity turnover between Armenia and Russia, reaching $450 mln this year. He said the Armenian exports to Russia exceeded $125 mln.

“It’s obvious that despite the strained economic and political situation, Russia has been and remains Armenia’s main economic partner,” he stated.

Germany warns 11 MPs to keep out of Turkey after Armenian Genocide vote

Eleven German MPs of Turkish descent, who voted for recognition of the Armenian genocide, have reportedly received a travel warning from the German Foreign Ministry. They were told not to visit Turkey – or face safety risks there.

German MPs of Turkish origin have been recommended not travel to Turkey in the nearest future as “their security could not be guaranteed,”  reported on Saturday, citing an internal communication from the Foreign Ministry.

“It is unspeakable to know for the first time that it’s no longer possible to fly there,” Aydan Ozoguz, a Socialist Democratic Party MP told Der Spiegel. “Erdogan needs to realize that we are not an extension of Turkey,” she said.

Other German-Turkish MPs have already canceled business trips to Ankara and summer holidays on the Bosporus, according to the magazine. One lawmaker reportedly made sure that his parents leave their family house in Turkey, seeking shelter at a hotel in another city.

Cem Ozdemir, Green Party leader and one of the advocates of the resolution to recognize the genocide, has said: “Of course, I think of what happens if someone goes nuts and does street justice.”

Last week, 11 MPs of Turkish descent voted for a landmark resolution, sparking a barrage of accusations and threats from Turkey. Almost immediately after the vote, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the lawmakers’ blood must be tested in a lab for “Turkishness,”labeling them “the long arm of the separatist terrorists placed in Germany.”

The , titled “Remembrance and commemoration of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the years 1915 and 1916,” received overwhelming support from the CDU and Social Democrats, as well as the opposition Greens.

It includes the word “genocide” in its headline and text that reads “the fate of the Armenians is exemplary in the history of mass exterminations, ethnic cleansing, deportations and yes, genocide, which marked the 20th century in such a terrible way.”

Zuckerberg’s social media accounts targeted by hackers

Photo: Getty Images


He might run the world’s biggest social networking site, but not even Mark Zuckerberg is immune to being hacked, the BBC reports.

The Facebook founder’s accounts on sites including Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest appear to have been briefly compromised on Sunday.

A hacker group called Ourmine, which has more than 40,000 Twitter followers, claimed responsibility.

The group bragged about the alleged hacks in a tweet and invited Mr Zuckerberg to contact them.

“Hey @finkd we got access to your Twitter & Instagram & Pinterest, we are just testing your security, please dm us.”

Piotr Switalski: The four-day war showed fragility of the situation




“The four-day war showed again how fragile the situation is. It made us aware that military conflict in this region can have unpredictable consequences,” Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Piotr Switalski said in an exclusive interview with .

“The war showed that there is no military solution to the conflict. Therefore, we should work together strongly for peace. I think it’s the lesson from the four-day war. Let’s work together not only with the countries directly involved, but also the international community towards peace,” he said.

According to him, the summit in Vienna on the 16th of May brought a new positive dynamics into the efforts to find a settlement. “We can only hope that the agreements reached between the parties will be followed by a proper diplomatic and political action. Let’s approach it as a big chance for peace. If we miss this opportunity, we might face very bad consequences,” the Ambassador said.

 The Armenian side has always been committed to peaceful resolution of the conflict. It’s the Azerbaijani side instigating the attacks. Wouldn’t it be better if the statements were addressed to one of the sides?

“I think that one of the basic principles applied by the mediators like the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group is the non-prejudicial approach. They will always avoid statements and messages, which may complicate the efforts to achieve peace,” he said.

“The international community will always be concentrated on how to achieve peace. At this juncture the most important is to ensure the best conditions for the implementation of conclusions from Vienna – to enlarge the team of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, discuss confidence-building measures, and elements of the investigative mechanism, which could be put in place,” Amb. Switalski said.

“If things go well, we can have a high-level meeting in June, and hopefully the start of new peace negotiations,” he said. The Ambassador added that the European Union will do its best to support the diplomatic activities of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

He said the purpose of the investigative mechanism is to see clearly what is happening at the line of contact. The investigative mechanism will be able to develop a clear view on who is responsible for what. “From my personal perspective I would see the investigative mechanism as a preventive or deterring measure. I believe that with the introduction of the investigative mechanism we would be able to reduce significantly the number of incidents occurring on the line of contact. And this would stabilize the situation, which, I think, is the most important thing with a view of the peace settlement. ”

How high is the probability that Aliyev will agree to the implementation of the measures? “I think that the conclusions reached in Vienna on these measures, including the investigative mechanism, show that there is a positive dynamics in the discussions. It is clear that if we want to make progress, if we want to reach a settlement, the positions of the sides should become more flexible.  And the Vienna summit sent a clear signal to the international public opinion that the sides are willing to consider making their positions more flexible. Of course, it is understandable that there is a big confidence gap between the sides. I’m often asked here in Armenia how we can trust them? But the whole purpose of these diplomatic effort are targeted at helping overcome this mistrust,” the Head of the EU Delegation said. “Although we, as the European Union, are not participating in the mediation efforts, we are ready to contribute to the confidence-building process,” he added.

“I cannot downplay the risk of destabilization, I’m very concerned about such a possibility, but at the same time this should be an incentive to mobilize all involved parties to work for peace,” Mr. Switalski said.

Is there any possibility of change of the OSCE Minsk Group format? The Ambassador said that the issue is not on the agenda. “After the four-day war we have clear signals that both parties confirmed the validity of the Minsk Group format. For the first time in many years the Minsk Group in its full composition adopted a statement in Vienna,” he said, adding that the current processes are also taking place under the full authority of the Minsk Group. Therefore, he said, now is not the time to discuss the format, because the existing format is working very well.

“It should be clear to all of us that the success of Europe, the success of the European integration, the prosperity, the freedom, the open borders are based on a very difficult, but simple notion of “reconciliation.” There should be no doubt that the European Union condemns the use of force, atrocities, inhuman behavior. It is clear that propagating hate speech, propagating hatred towards other nations is not compatible with European ideals. Europe for ages has been the stage for terrible wars and atrocities. Many states consider themselves to be eternal enemies. But the EU was a project that was built on breaking out of this vicious circle of hatred, revenge.  The European success was built on the assumption that we cannot change our neighbors. What we can choose is the way we live with them. Therefore, after the worst of all wars, where millions of Europeans were killed, Europeans decided to extend the hand, to forgive and to ask for forgiveness,” the Ambassador said.

“I’m convinced that Armenians are ready for this. Armenians have gone through terrible sufferings throughout history. There are probably very few other nations  that have suffered so much in history. I’m also a representative of a nation that has suffered a lot. Many of my very close relatives were killed during the Second War War. But I belong to the generation that believes we cannot continue like this.   ” the Ambassador concluded. I think that when we have peace in the region, a peaceful settlement, Armenians will follow this European logic, Armenians will follow the European ideals, because this approach is a sign of moral strength, a sign of self-confidence. So, I hope that we as the European Union will work with Armenia and Azerbaijan to open a new page in the history of the region,” the Ambassador concluded.

Donald Trump reaches number of delegates needed for nomination

Donald Trump on Thursday reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and sets the stage for a bitter fall campaign, the Associated Press reports.

Trump was put over the top in the Associated Press delegate count by a small number of the party’s unbound delegates who told the AP they would support him at the convention. Among them is Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

“I think he has touched a part of our electorate that doesn’t like where our country is,” Pollard said. “I have no problem supporting Mr. Trump.”

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president. Trump has reached 1,238. With 303 delegates at stake in five state primaries on June 7, Trump will easily pad his total, avoiding a contested convention in Cleveland in July.


Twitter revamps 140-character tweet length rules

Twitter is overhauling some of its rules to try to make itself simpler to use and more attractive to newcomers.

Members will be able to add multimedia to tweets – including pictures and videos – without eating into the 140-characters-a-post limit.

The service is also changing the way it handles conversations between users.

Twitter co-founder and chief executive Jack Dorsey told the his aim was to ensure that “when people tweet, it makes sense”.

The changes, as outlined by Twitter, will be:

  • media attachments, such as photos and videos, will no longer count towards the character limit
  • @names in reply to tweets will not be counted
  • people will be able to retweet and quote-tweet themselves, enabling them to resurface any of their previous posts and add new commentary

In addition, any new tweet – ie one that isn’t a reply to someone else’s tweet – that starts with a username will now be seen by all of a person’s followers.

Armenian Culture Ministry offers expertise support for Palmyra restoration

The Armenian Culture Ministry offered putting its experience and expertise at disposal for restoring the historical site of Palmyra, accoridng to .

The offer came in a letter sent by the Armenian Culture Minister, which the Syrian counterpart Issam Khalil said was received “with deep appreciation”.

His appreciation was expressed in statements to reporters following a meeting with the Armenian Ambassador in Damascus Arshak Poladian.

In addition to means of cooperation in the cultural affairs, both sides also discussed the letter and the Armenian offer included in it.

The Minister noted that a national committee has been formed to draw up the necessary plans for the restoration of Palmyra.

Palmyra-a UNESCO World Heritage site-was retaken from ISIS terrorist organization last March along with the residential neighborhoods in the city-also known as Tadmur.

Archeological monuments and artifacts in Palmyra sustained severe damage due to deliberate acts of demolition and vandalism inflicted by ISIS terrorists since they took over the city in May 2015.

In a relevant context, a separate meeting was held between the Armenian Ambassador and Minister of Higher Education Mohammad Amer al-Mardini.

Discussions focused on the scientific cooperation relations and mechanisms to renew the executive program of the joint Syrian-Armenian cultural cooperation agreement.

The files of equating certificates and exchange of scholarships and visits of academic delegation were also on the table.