Germany to provide €84,6 million in aid to Armenia

 13:15, 22 November 2023

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS. Germany will provide €84,6 million in aid in the form of grants and loans to Armenia.

The aid was announced by Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Niels Annen.

Annen is in Yerevan to participate in the first session of the Armenian-German Intergovernmental meeting.

Armenia’s Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said the aid will be directed to vocational technical education and new projects in renewable energy.

Kerobyan said that trade turnover between Armenia and Germany tripled in the past three years.

The November 22 talks were the first intergovernmental negotiations between Armenia and Germany since 2014.

“I believe that this is a very clear message to the whole world that Germany and Armenia are opening a new road towards cooperation. Armenia is once again proving that it is committed to democracy, to a democratic society,” Annen added.

A separate aid is envisaged to the Armenian government for receiving and integrating the forcibly displaced persons of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Investments will be made in the renewable energy sector, which will allow Armenia to lower electricity prices.

 “We will focus on strengthening Armenia’s energy independence, which was highlighted in our cooperation negotiations,” the German official said.

Prosecutor General presents the evolution of powers of the Armenian Prosecutor’s Office to the UN Special Rapporteur


YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS. Anna Vardapetyan, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia on Monday held a  meeting with the delegation led by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence, Fabian Salvioli, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Armenia said in a statement.

''Anna Vardapetyan highly appreciated the importance of the UN Special Rapporteur's mandate and emphasizes her agreement with his statement made during the 4th Global Forum against the Crime of Genocide. According to which, the glorification of war criminals cannot be combined with democratic values. In this context, Anna Vardapetyan underscores the necessity to address war crimes properly, provide an adequate assessment, and implement effective measures aimed at their prevention,'' reads the statement.

According to the source, the Prosecutor General presented to the EU's special rapporteur the evolution of the powers of the Armenian Prosecutor's Office, along with the toolkit aimed at combating corruption, protecting state (community) interests, confiscating property of illegal origins, preventing torture, and the criminal struggle against them.

Conceptual changes in the criminal and criminal procedure codes were also discussed during the meeting.

Asbarez: ANCA-WR and Tatoyan Foundation Host Delegation of Mayors From Syunik Province

At the invitation of the Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region in coordination with the Tatoyan Foundation, a delegation of mayors from the Syunik province of Armenia visited California from November 11 to 16.

The visiting officials met with various elected officials and the local Armenian community and provided them with first-hand reports about Azerbaijan’s ongoing threats against Armenia and particularly the border province of Syunik and outlined the conditions on the ground as the region addresses the refugee crisis resulting from the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh.

The Syunik delegation was led by the Kapan Mayor Gevorg Parsyan, Goris Mayor Arushan Arushanyan and Armenia’s former Human Rights Defender Dr. Arman Tatoyan, who is the Founding Director of the Tatoyan Foundation. Tatoyan received the ANCA-WR Human Rights Champion Award in 2011.

Additional delegation members included Irina Yolyan, Deputy Head of Goris County; Zhora Tumanyan, Civil Defense Attache of Goris County; Ruzanna Torozyan and Armen Hovhannisyan, members of the Goris County Board of Supervisors; and Hasmik Harutyunyan, Assistant to the Chief of Kapan County. Joining the delegation in its meetings was Los Angeles-based attorney Garo Ghazarian, CEO of the Tatoyan Foundation USA, as well as representatives of the ANCA Western Region.

The delegation attended the ANCA-WR Annual Awards Gala on November 12 where the Mayors and Dr. Tatoyan were introduced to the crowd and delegation members had the opportunity to interact with public officials, including Congressmembers Adam Schiff and Brad Sherman, as well as hundreds of supporters and activists in our community to discuss issues of concern to Armenia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

During the visit, the Syunik delegation also had separate meetings with California State Senator Anthony Portantino, Los Angeles City Council President Paul Krekorian and Councilmember Nithya Raman, and Glendale City Councilmembers and representatives, where detailed reports about the intricacies of the Second Armenian Genocide in Artsakh and ongoing Azeri aggression were presented by the delegation.

Given the fact that California is a sister-state with Syunik Province, Los Angeles is a sister city with Yerevan, and Glendale is a sister city with Kapan, these meetings were important to set the stage for expanding these relationships and exploring ways in which U.S. government entities can assist in supporting Artsakh refugees.

The Syunik delegation also visited the Western Diocese where they met with Western Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, and subsequently met with representatives of the Pan Armenian Council Western USA to brief them on the situation on the ground.

A highlight of the week was the delegation’s visit to the Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School where they held an interactive discussion with upper class students and faculty.

The delegation’s trip concluded with a successful Town Hall event organized by ANCA-WR, where dozens of members of the community listened intently to their reports on topics including continuous Azerbaijani threats against Syunik, and the situation of Artsakh refugees in the towns Kapan & Goris, culminating with a lively question and answer session.

During each meeting, Dr. Tatoyan presented his latest findings on Azerbaijan’s genocidal assault on Artsakh, resulting in the forced deportation of more than 100,000 Armenians from Artsakh into the Republic of Armenia. Furthermore, Dr. Tatoyan shed light on Azerbaijan’s continued aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia, especially in the regions of Syunik, Vayots Dzor, and Gegharkunik. Mayor Parsyan and Mayor Arushanyan reported about Syunik’s security concerns, especially amidst the influx of over 5,000 Armenian refugees from Artsakh into the towns of Kapan and Goris, as well as the impact and threat of the potential establishment of a so-called “Zangezur Corridor” being advocated by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region is the largest and most influential nonpartisan Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues in pursuit of the Armenian Cause.

AW: ANCA testimony calls on U.S. House to join Senate in blocking military aid to Azerbaijan

The ANCA’s Alex Galitsky urges the U.S. to hold Azerbaijan accountable for ethnic cleansing, provide aid for Artsakh Armenian refugees, ensure their right of return and safeguard Armenian sovereignty in testimony submitted to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) this week renewed the Armenian American community’s calls on the U.S. House to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its genocide of Artsakh, ensure conditions for the safe return of Artsakh Armenians to their indigenous homeland, and provide humanitarian aid to Artsakh refugees and security assistance to Armenia, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

In testimony submitted to the House Foreign Affairs Europe Subcommittee hearing on “The Future of Nagorno Karabakh,” ANCA Programs Director Alex Galitsky outlined priorities across five key areas:

Holding Azerbaijan Accountable for Ethnic Cleansing

With the Senate’s unanimous passage of the Armenian Protection Act (S.3000) this week blocking U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, the ANCA urged the House Foreign Affairs Committee to immediately consider companion bills (HR5683 & HR5686).  The ANCA also urged the Biden administration to “immediately, unconditionally, permanently and publicly enforce restrictions on military assistance to Azerbaijan pursuant to Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act and impose Global Magnitsky Sanctions against Azerbaijani officials complicit in human rights abuses.”

Galitsky explained that “the U.S. failure to hold Azerbaijan accountable would not only embolden Baku amid its threats toward sovereign Armenia – it would undermine any confidence in Washington’s supposed commitment to human rights and democracy as a tenet of its foreign policy and demonstrate that confronting the threat of authoritarianism is only a priority when geopolitically expedient.”

Providing Humanitarian Assistance to Armenia

In response to USAID’s recent announcement of just $11,500,000 in humanitarian assistance to Artsakh’s refugees, the ANCA testimony pointed out that figure amounts to only about $95 per person. The ANCA asked for additional humanitarian assistance via “supplemental funding bills” and stresses the time-sensitive needs of the refugees including, but not limited to, “psychosocial support, trauma therapy, medical assistance for individuals with disabilities, permanent shelter for families ahead of the impending winter, maternity care and consistent access to basic human necessities.” The ANCA also stressed the importance of support programs for long-term economic security through professional assistance in the form of “ensuring fair employment practices, access to education and vocational training, as well as the development of regional infrastructure and promoting long-term sustainable development goals.”

Securing Armenia from Renewed Azerbaijani Aggression

“While the Biden administration continues to express optimism in the prospects of peace in the South Caucasus, Azerbaijani officials – far from satiated by their territorial expansionism – continue to make inflammatory territorial claims against sovereign Armenian territory,” stated Galitsky, noting that Azerbaijan already occupies 215 square kilometers (83 sq. miles) of Armenian territory since their military incursion into the southern provinces of the country in September 2022. He also pointed out that “Azerbaijan’s aggressive posturing against Armenia and threats of further military action are supported by Turkey, which continues to play a destabilizing role in the region.”

The ANCA went on to recommend the U.S. provide at least $10,000,000 in military financing to meet security needs and deter further Azerbaijani aggression. Regarding Turkey, the ANCA called for an investigation into potential violations of arms export law and end-use agreements related to Turkey’s participation in the 2020 Artsakh War, and urged suspending the sale and transfer of F-16s to Ankara.

With regard to strengthening Armenia’s border security, the ANCA advocated that the U.S., similar to Canada, participate in the European Union’s Monitoring mission in Armenia (EUMA) and join France in opening a U.S. consulate in Syunik.

Supporting an Internationally Guaranteed Right to Return

Noting that, under international law, refugees are guaranteed a legal right to return to the country from which they were displaced the ANCA urged the U.S. to “proactively support the right of Armenians to return to Artsakh with robust security guarantees under the auspices of an international mission.” Specifically, the ANCA recommended “the U.S. engage with international partners to establish an international monitoring mechanism – through the passage of a United Nations Security Council Resolution – that ensures the safety and security of the Armenian people who seek to return to their homes.”

Investigating Human Rights Abuses

The ANCA detailed Azerbaijan’s pattern of human rights abuses, including “summary execution of prisoners and hostages, the deliberate targeting of schools, medical facilities, homes and churches, and the use of prohibited weapons including cluster munitions and white phosphorus.” Galitsky also stressed that the humanitarian blockade of Artsakh constituted genocide under internationally recognized conventions. In its policy recommendations, the ANCA urged the House Foreign Affairs Committee to “immediately mark up House Resolution 735, calling for an investigation into Azerbaijan’s human rights practices pursuant to Section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and assert its oversight role over U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan. The U.S. must also work to secure the immediate release of Armenian POWs unlawfully held by Azerbaijan and amnesty for the illegally detained members of Artsakh’s political leadership.”

The ANCA’s complete testimony is available here.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

Asbarez: Jerusalem Police Demand Armenians to Evacuate Patriarchate Property

A Jerusalem police officer engages with representatives of the Armenian community

Police in Jerusalem has demanded local Armenians to vacate the area of “Armenian Gardens”—known as the “Cows’ Garden” in the Old City of Jerusalem— and accused them of misappropriation of property.

The alarm was sounded by local attorney and activist Daniel Seidemann who, in a post on X, also added that the Armenian community of Jerusalem is resisting.

Since November 12, a large group of Jerusalem Armenians, in cooperation with the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, are on duty in protest in the area of “Cows’ Garden” and have barricaded the access to the wall, with cars and fences, in order to impede any further illegal construction on the Armenian property.

The Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, had leased the area of “Cows’ Garden” to a Jewish businessman for 99 years. This decision, however, caused a lot of uproar; but after a long battle, the deal was canceled.

The Movement for the Protection and Preservation of the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem has released a statement, according to which there is a tense situation at the “Armenian Gardens.”

It is noted that at around 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, a convoy of vehicles presumably belonging to Jewish settlers entered the “Cows’ Garden,” after which the Armenian residents of Jerusalem gathered there and surrounded the barricaded border.

The Israeli police have arrested three Jerusalem Armenians, one of whom is a minor.

The Israeli police allowed some settlers to stay at the “Cows’ Garden,” whose objective, according to the aforesaid statement, is to appropriate that area.

In response, the local Armenian residents formed a human shield and peacefully urged to vacate the area of the “Cows’ Garden.”

The situation remains tense, the statement added.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem has warned that it is facing the “greatest existential threat” in its history.

In a statement, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem said the developer who sought to lease some 25 percent of the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem has ignored a letter by the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem cancelling the controversial real estate deal and has started demolition works, and moreover police now demand that all members of the Armenian Community vacate the premises.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem is under possibly the greatest existential threat of its 16-century history. This existential-territorial threat fully extends to all the Christian communities of Jerusalem.

Instead of providing a lawful response to the cancellation, the developers attempting to build on the Cows’ Garden have completely disregarded the legal approaches of the Patriarchate toward this issue, and instead have elected to use provocation, aggression, and other harassment and incendiary tactics including destruction of property and deploying heavily armed instigators.

In recent days, the vast destruction and removal of asphalt on the grounds of the Armenian Quarter has been done without the permits from the municipality by neither the developer nor the police.

Despite this fact, the police have chosen in the last few days to demand that all members of the Armenian Community vacate the premises.

“We plead with the entirety of the Christian communities of Jerusalem to stand with the Armenian Patriarchate in these unprecedented times as this is another clear step taken toward the endangerment of the Christian presence in Jerusalem and the Holy Land,” the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem said in a statement.

The Economic Landscape of Armenia: A Balancing Act of Salaries and Living Costs

Gillett News
Nov 12 2023

Armenia, an emerging economy nestled in the South Caucasus region, has been making remarkable progress in recent years. With its burgeoning industries and increasing foreign investments, one can’t help but wonder: do people get paid well in Armenia?

The Current Economic Progress

Armenia has enjoyed consistent economic growth during the past decade, particularly in fields like information technology, tourism, and agriculture. This upward trajectory has led to a surge in employment opportunities and an overall better quality of life for many Armenians. However, it’s worth mentioning that compared to certain European nations, the average salary in Armenia remains relatively modest.

Analyzing Salary Levels

Based on recent statistics from the National Statistical Service of Armenia, the average monthly salary in the country amounts to approximately 200,000 Armenian Drams (around $400). Nevertheless, this figure varies significantly depending on the industry and occupation. Professionals engaged in the IT sector or multinational corporations generally earn higher salaries compared to those in other sectors.

Factors Influencing Salary Levels

Multiple factors contribute to the variation in salary levels across Armenia. One of the most significant factors is the cost of living, which is generally lower than that of many European countries. This means that even with a comparatively lower salary, individuals can still maintain a reasonably comfortable lifestyle. Moreover, the level of education and work experience significantly impacts salary levels in Armenia.


Q: Can one expect career advancement opportunities in Armenia?
A: Absolutely! Armenia’s expanding economy presents diverse opportunities for professional growth, particularly within industries like IT, finance, and tourism.

Q: How does the cost of living in Armenia compare to that of other nations?
A: The cost of living in Armenia is notably lower than in many European countries. Consequently, individuals in Armenia can adequately afford housing, food, and other essential living expenses.

Q: Does the Armenian government strive to enhance salary levels in the nation?
A: Yes, the Armenian government has devised various strategies to attract foreign investments and foster economic growth, indirectly contributing to improved salary levels for its citizens.

In essence, while the average salary in Armenia might be lower compared to certain European countries, the country’s economic growth and lower cost of living provide individuals with opportunities for a comfortable livelihood. With the continuous development of industries and the implementation of government initiatives, the future holds promise for further improvements in salary levels within Armenia.

POSTPONED: St. Nerses Shnorhali 850th Anniversary Commemoration in Rome

The events jointly organized to commemorate St. Nerses Shnorhali at the Vatican on the 850th anniversary of the saint’s death have been postponed.

The events were originally scheduled to take place November 30 through December 2, 2023. However, they have been postponed in light of the grave situation concerning Artsakh following September’s military actions by Azerbaijan.

A new date for the commemoration has yet to be determined.

As previously announced, the commemoration titled “Armenia’s Apostle of Divine Grace: Honoring the 850th Anniversary of St. Nerses Shnorhali” was planned to include an international scholarly conference, two concerts and an ecumenical prayer service at St. Peter’s Basilica. It was being jointly organized by the Roman Catholic and Armenian Apostolic and Armenian Catholic churches, under the leadership of His Holiness Pope Francis, His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and His Beatitude Patriarch Raphaël Bedros XXI Minassian.

Let us pray, by the intercession of St. Nerses Shnorhali, that God will strengthen all the children of our nation, so that our sisters and brothers of Artsakh settled in Armenia may overcome their harsh conditions, with the support of the entire Armenian people.

Armenia to launch new Environmental Protection Agency

 11:53, 9 November 2023

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government plans to launch a new environmental protection agency.

Authorities seek to replace the current Forestry Committee with the Environmental Protection Agency. The relevant functions currently carried out by other agencies will also be covered by the new body.

“We are now carrying out an 8-hour patrol in forests and national parks, but we need 24-hour patrols. These changes are aimed at this,” Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan said at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday where the decision was approved. 

Environmental Protection Agency officers will be authorized to file proceedings, calculate damages and hand out fines, and use force if the offender fails to comply.

The agency will have 1176 employees. The agency will be fully operational in 2024.

Podcast | How the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War has reshaped the region

Nov 9 2023
 9 November 2023
The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War has had a lasting impact on the South Caucasus, leading to a massive geopolitical shift. Azerbaijan emerged victorious, taking control of large swathes of territory in 2020, and eventually what remained of Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2023. Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population was forced to flee the region into Armenia, which since the war, has been forced to reassess its traditional alliance with Russia and to turn West for assistance.

This episode, we spoke to Marut Vanyan, a journalist from Nagorno-Karabakh, about the exodus of the region’s Armenian population and the challenges they face in Armenia. We also spoke to Civilnet’s editor-in-chief, Karen Harutyunyan, about how Armenia changed since the war and its partnership with Russia, to Bahruz Samadov, a PhD candidate at Charles University in Prague, about how the conflict has helped further legitimise President Ilham Aliyev’s rule.

Prime Minister Pashinyan meets with new Ambassador of Poland


YEREVAN, OCTOBER 31, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has met with the newly appointed Ambassador of Poland to Armenia Piotr Skwieciński.

PM Pashinyan congratulated Ambassador Skwieciński on assuming office and wished him success in his work, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a readout.

Prime Minister Pashinyan attached importance to the continuous development of the Armenian-Polish relations in both political dialogue and the economy. He stressed the importance of utilizing the existing potential for enhancing the trade-economic ties.

The forced displacement of more than 100,000 Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of Azerbaijan’s policy of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and the current humanitarian situation were also discussed.

Ambassador Skwieciński stressed the willingness of the Polish government to deepen and expand cooperation with Armenia in various directions and added that he will make every effort for the further development of bilateral ties.

Views were exchanged on the Armenian-Polish relations, Armenia-EU partnership and other issues.