Georgian Prime Minister Extends Orthodox Christmas and Epiphany Greetings to Armenians

Jan 6 2024

By: Momen Zellmi

In a show of solidarity and unity, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili extended his heartfelt greetings to both Georgian nationals of Armenian descent and the citizens of Armenia. The occasion? The traditional Orthodox Christmas and Epiphany celebrations, a time of joy, peace, and introspection for many.

Garibashvili’s message, conveyed by the Government Administration, was one of fraternity and goodwill. Referring to the Armenian people as ‘brotherly,’ the Prime Minister expressed his hope that the day would bring joy and happiness to all those who celebrate the holiday with fervor and sincerity. It was a message not just of celebration, but also of unity and shared joy, transcending national borders and ethnic differences.

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This gesture by the Prime Minister is more than a mere formal greeting. It’s a beacon of the shared history, culture, and mutual respect that exists between the Georgian and Armenian people. This acknowledgment of the Orthodox Christmas and Epiphany celebrations by the head of the Georgian government signals a recognition of cultural diversity and mutual respect.

(Read Also: Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany: Armenian Church’s Unique Celebration)

Garibashvili’s greetings went beyond mere wishes for a joyful celebration. They included hopes for peace and prosperity for those observing the celebrations, indicating a deeper desire for harmony and well-being among the Armenian community, both within Georgia and beyond its borders. It’s a wish for a future where cultural celebrations are not just recognized but also celebrated with equal fervor by all, regardless of ethnicity or nationality.