Hye Hopes Officially Launches Remote Learning in Syunik Region

January 26,  2020

KAPAN, Armenia—Hye Hopes officially launched their remote learning program in the Kapan region of Armenia on January 18. After three months of planning and fundraising, the Hye Hopes team is now in Armenia and on the ground. Administrators and officials of School N1 and N3 of the Kapan region welcomed the Hye Hopes team and thanked them for their efforts to bring remote learning to the displaced students of Artsakh.

With 17 international volunteer teachers, four teacher aids from Armenia, and 48 students working together virtually, Hye Hopes launched their remote learning instruction programs. Students and their families are enthusiastic and grateful for the opportunity to participate in this unique learning opportunity. Currently, classes range from Math, English, Science, Physics, Art, and Coding. Classes are taught virtually by volunteer instructors from around the world via laptops, which have been generously donated by individuals and organizations from throughout the Armenian Diaspora. “It’s important for Armenians around the world to come together for our kids,” said founder Greg Krikorian.

Hye Hope’s goal is to expand the program to provide remote learning opportunities to more displaced students and provide each student with a laptop to work independently while adhering to health and safety guidelines. The students are excited to use this technology and the teachers are excited for this opportunity. Hye Hopes is building a bridge in learning and educational resources between Armenia and its diaspora. More funds are needed to improve conditions in the classrooms for the displaced students. To donate or for more information on volunteering as a teacher please visit the Hye Hopes website. Let’s build the future together as one!