Film: Is The Promise Really Based on Armenian Genocide? All You Need To Know Right Here!!

Gizmo Posts 24
Aug 9 2020
Is The Promise Really Based on Armenian Genocide? All You Need To Know Right Here!!

“The Promise” consists of an immensely talented cast of, Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, and Christian Bale. The film takes place around the slaughter of the Armenian citizens by the Ottoman Empire. Which coincidently is the day of remembrance in Armenia which is, April 24. The events that unfolded that day are as follows, many Armenians intellectuals were arrested in the supposed Armenian genocide.
In World War I, the Ottoman Empire government planned to eradicate the Armenians. The planned to confiscate Armenian property and goods and deport the citizens. Approximately 2.1 million Armenians living in the Ottoman empire in 1914 and the number dropped to a mere 387,800 by 1922.

According to Peter Balakian,

Armenians had become forces for social and political change within the empire and were asking the state. Can a Christian be the equal of a Muslim in the Ottoman empire? The new nationalism in Turkey, especially after Turkey’s enormous losses in the Balkan wars, [led to the feeling] that Turkey could only be revived and saved if it got rid of its Christian minority populations.

There are similarities with Nazism, in terms of thinking that, in order to revitalize a state in crisis, you need to eradicate a certain ethnic group.

It’s a watershed event in the history of modernity, because it’s the first time that the nation-state uses technology. Its advanced military communications, legislation and the nationalist ideology for the purpose of eradicating a targeted ethnic group in a certain period of time.

Due to all of these occurrences, the Armenians have been trying for decades to make these relevant. They have been trying to persuade Turkish authorities and others as well to recognize their struggle. A lot of people rebuttal that these deaths were not a part of a Genocide but of World War I.