Da Vinci Code is a Litmus Paper


14:25 03/06/06


Da Vinci Code has become a litmus paper to unveil the state of
Christianity in our country. It turned out that Christianity is not a
state of being for us whereas it should have been an ideology, a means
of communication between us and God, preacher of Bible Church Samvel
Navoyan told a press conference today.

In his words, the film is banned even in Azerbaijan whereas in Armenia
you can rent it at DVD Centers. Khachik Stamboltsyan thinks that the
film and the identical book are released by masons who aim to support
the unbelievers and nihilists. He also thinks that it tries to
`confuse people and redirect them from real Christian faith.’ The
producers have reached their aim since the premier of the film was
held on May 18 in 70 countries at the same time.

In Armenia Da Vinci Code is shown in Nairi cinema only but soon Moscow
Cinema House will also show the film. The tickets are sold off very
quickly and the book costs about $10 in the country. Some say that the
large-scale criticism has caused even more interest among the
people. 75 of people said in a TV survey yesterday that Da Vinci Code
does not cause any harm to Christianity. /Panorama.am/

Bill on Abolishing Advocates with Special License Proposed

13:40 03/06/06


As reported earlier the ministry of justice on behalf of the Armenian
government has submitted to NA consideration the bill `On making
amendments in the law on advocacy’ which proposes to abolish the
institute of advocates with special license. `This initiative is
connected with the fact that there are no more advocates with special
license. The last license expired on May 19,’ Davit Harutunyan,
minister of justice said, adding that the institute was excluded from
the constitution during constitutional reforms. However, the minister
does not exclude the possibility tha the institute may be recovered in
future. `It is possible that we initiate a new package on advocates
with special license by the end of the year but under different
regulations,’ he said.

The minister was asked what is the need for such institution if
parties can appeal court rulings under new conditions in compliance
with amendments made in the judicial code. Harutunyan clarified that
advocates with special license can appeal rulings even when new
conditions do not come about./Panorama.am/

Hrant Margaryan Was Right


03 June 06

Vahan Hovanisyan, Armenian Revolutionary Federation, commented for
Lragir.am on ARF Bureau member Hrant Margaryan’s statement `the
country and state is in trouble if the public prosecutor is setting up
a political party’.

In the beginning Vahan Hovanisyan rejected the opinion that Hrant
Margaryan’ s statement is an expression of fear from political
competition. `In Dashnaktsutiun we have never feared political
competition. We are ready tostruggle for our ideas even under the most
unfavorable and unequal conditions.’

According to Vahan Hovanisyan, the problem is the law, `the law
hinders those who possess serious administrative resources and levers
for pressure to take part in political processes. This is not
accidental.’ Hrant Margaryan is right and his words refer to every
country, states Vahan Hovanisyan. `Our voters know very well what is
happening in reality.’

Chess team of Armenia conquering the Olympus

Chess team of Armenia conquering the Olympus

03.06.2006 11:23

Men’s chess team of Armenia celebrated its next decisive victory,
scoring 3:1 against the Czech team, thus making an important step
towards Olympic gold.

The decisive points were gained by leader of the team Levon Aronyan
and Karen Asryan. To note, this was Karen Asryan’s first victory in
this tournament.

Vladimir Hakobyan and Gabriel Sargsyan played a draw. Thus, the men’s
chess team of Armenia scored 32 points and is currently 3.5 points
ahead of the Chinese team. Only one round is left till the end of the

The women’s team played a draw with the French.

Any Attempt to Disturb NK Conflict Will Trigger Military Crisis

Any Attempt to Disturb Karabakh Conflict Will Trigger Military Crisis

02.06.2006 12:23

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – When commenting on statement of Russian Defense
Minister Sergey Ivanov that the sending peacekeepers to Nagorno
Karabakh is possible in the air of Mayak radio publicist Yegor
Kholmogorov noted, `Any promises of international mediation cherish
first of all Baku’s ears.’

`If international and not only Russian peacekeepers actually appear in
the conflict zone, moreover, if they try to return anything against
the will of Armenians, this may result in deconservation of the
conflict and turning it into an actual one,’ the journalists thinks.

`What can cause a serious chain of consequences ` Armenia interferes
with the clash between Karabakh and Azerbaijan, Turkey collides
Armenia, union of Russia and Armenia, NATO treaties will come into
effect simultaneously,’ Kholmogorov. `In general, any attempt to
disturb the conflict will trigger a diplomatic and military crisis,’
the expert is sure.

In his words, it is «one thing» if Russian peacekeepers
`correctly build into the situation in the conflict zone’. `Another
thing’ is `if an international contingent loudly arrives to
`peacekeep’. `The world ahs already seen what this peacekeeping may
end up in. And not only in Yugoslavia¦’ the Russian publicist

President appoints Judges of RA Economic Court, Presidents & Judges

Presidnet appoints Judges of RA Economic Court, Presidents and Judges of
First Instance Courts of Armenia

02.06.2006 14:55

June 1, 2006 RA President Robert Kocharyan signed a decree on
appointing Judges of the Economic Court of Armenia, Presidents and
Judges of First Instance Courts of Armenia to investigate the cases of
inability to pay.

Samvel Grigoryan was appointed Judge of RA Economic Court on.

Taron Nazaryan was appointed Judge of RA Economic Court.

Vladimir Aslanyan was appointed Judge of RA Economic Court. His
liabilities as the First Instance Court of Lori marz were terminated.

Gagik Hovhannisayn was appointed President of the First Instance Court
of Lori marz. His liabilities as Judge of RA Economic Court to
investigate the cases of inability to pay were terminated.

Arthur Ohanyan has appointed President of First Instance Courts in
Erebuni and Nubarashen communities of Yerevan. His liabilities as
President of the First Instance Court of Shengavit community were

Surik Kostanyan was appointed President of eth First Instance Court of
Shengavit community. His liabilities as President of the First
Instance Courts of Erebuni and Nubarashen communities of Yerevan were

Ara Kubanyan was appointed Judge of the First Instance Court of
Shengavit community of Yerevan. His liabilities as Judge of the First
Instance Court of Erebuni and Nubarashen communities were terminated.

Masis Rehanyan was appointed Judge of he First Instance Court of
Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun communities of Yerevan. His liabilities as
Judge of the First Instance Court of Erebuni and Nubarashen
communities were terminated.

Former US Amb. to Korea Does Not Understand Motives of State Dept.


Yerevan, May 31. ArmInfo. In a talk with an ArmInfo correspodent
former US Ambassador to Korea Stephen Bosworth said that he did not
often understand the motives of the decisions of the US State
Department when he was in office. He said this in response to
ArmInfo’s request to comment on the reports about the recall of US
Ambassador to Armenia John Evans.

To remind, many believe that the key reason for Evans’ recall was his
last year’s public recognition of the Armenian Genocide during a
meeting with US Armenians.

Bosworth said that the Armenian Genocide recogniton is a fundamental
issue. Nevertheless, one should not forget that Armenia has many
other interests and concerns that require close attention and urgent

Ministry Denounces Azeri Report on Military Aid To Crush Iran Unrest

Armenian ministry denounces Azeri report on military aid to crush Iran

2 Jun 06

Yerevan, 2 June: The Armenian Foreign Ministry has to remind the
Azerbaijani news agency APA of the names of some Armenian diplomats.

“As is known, Gegam Garibdzhanyan is Armenia’s deputy foreign
minister,” Vladimir Karapetyan, acting press secretary of the Armenian
Foreign Ministry, said laconically while commenting on the
“sensational” report of the Azerbaijani news agency APA saying that
the Armenian side has allegedly “offered military aid to Iran to crush
protests in southern Azerbaijan [northwestern Iran]”.

The Azerbaijani report said: “The ambassador to Iran, Gegam
Garibdzhanyan, suggested during secret talks with the Iranian
government that Armenia can send military forces to crush protests in
southern Azerbaijan.”

To recap, Gegam Garibdzhanyan earlier worked as Armenian ambassador to
Iran, but at present, Karen Nazaryan is Armenian ambassador to Iran.

Armenian premier, OSCE rep discuss joint projects

Armenian premier, OSCE rep discuss joint projects

2 Jun 06

Yerevan, 2 June: Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan today met
Vladimir Pryakhin, head of the OSCE office in Yerevan.

The meeting discussed cooperation between the OSCE office and the
Armenian government. Pryakhin expressed his satisfaction with
cooperation in a number of spheres. He in particular noted the
implementation of a joint project on eliminating the rocket fuel
components – melange with the Armenian Defence Ministry.

He also noted cooperation in the ecological sphere, fighting human
trafficking and the implementation of projects on fighting corruption
and reforming the police system. They also discussed other projects,
their implementation, existing tasks and the OSCE’s possible
assistance to this effect.