Inside Russia’s ‘Nanotech Park’

Katia Moskvitch

2010/05/04 20:16:16 GMT

With Russian science not at its best since the break-up of the USSR,
Moscow is now attempting to follow an example from its Soviet past.

It plans to co-operate with nations from the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) – made up of former Soviet republics –
in the areas of nanotechnology and innovation.

An organisation with a grand-sounding name, International Innovative
Nanotechnology Centre (IINC) of the CIS countries, has been set up
in Dubna, just outside Moscow.

The place is intended to propel Russian science to the heights it
once enjoyed, by turning the fruits of pure research by scientists
in the former Soviet states into real-life products.

" I think that the purpose of setting up this centre is first
and foremost to address the areas where we have problems – we
lack specialists both in fundamental and applied sciences " Valery
Khomyakov National Strategy Council This year, Russia has assumed the
rotating presidency of the CIS and declared 2010 a year of science
and innovation in the territory uniting eleven of the former Soviet

These are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

But observers note that the CIS has always been a rather symbolic
organisation, incapable of delivering any real results, and the
establishment of the new centre is "more about appearance than

Some call it a "political move" intended to allow Russia to benefit
from the best scientific minds of its neighbours.

Riverside city

It takes a couple of hours by train to get from Moscow to Dubna,
a picturesque city on the banks of the Volga river.

Dubna is famous for the second-biggest Lenin monument still standing,
at 25m in height.

But it is also known for its scientific institutes. Russians call
it "naukograd" – "science city" – which has one of the densest
concentrations of scientists from all over the country – and from
abroad as well.

And it is here, in the pavilions amid the snow-covered woods of Dubna,
at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) – an organisation
much like Cern (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) where
the 117th element of the periodic table was discovered in early April –
that the Russian government has created the IINC.

This place appeared years after the era of Sputnik, lasers and Nobel
laureates, had come to a standstill with the collapse of the Soviet
Union in 1991.

When the USSR fell, funding for science dwindled resulting in a
brain drain as many of the most skilled specialists took up offers
from abroad.

Here in Dubna, scientists from different CIS states are working
side-by-side, regardless of any political differences and conflicts
their countries might have.

"Yes, there are sometimes jokes about us, but never anything serious,
everyone gets along really well. The political problems like gas
issues between Russia and Ukraine don’t touch us here at all," says
Victor Petrenko, a young researcher from Kiev.

New industry?

Mr Petrenko works with special liquids that have magnetic properties.

By injecting them into the human brain, it becomes possible to localise
and remove cancer cells. It’s all done on nano-scale.

In October last year, the Russian government announced plans to inject
318bn roubles (US$11bn) into the development and commercialisation
of nanotechnologies. The state has already spent some 94bn roubles
on this area over the past two years.

The money is being used to upgrade old facilities and set up new ones.

Russia’s leading centre for nuclear physics, the Kurchatov Institute –
also in Dubna – recently opened a new centre for nano-sciences with
an upgraded synchrotron radiation machine.

" It is always nice to know that your work won’t lie under a thick
layer of dust on library shelves, but it will be the basis of some
technological development " Andrei Tamonov Physicist At the JINR,
state money was used to repair and upgrade the world’s most powerful
pulsed neutron reactor.

All these efforts are intended to create a domestic nanotech industry
by 2015, in order to reduce Russia’s dependence on oil and gas exports.

Funding organisations like Rusnano give grants to companies with
promising proposals, and now Russian officials are even talking about
setting up Russia’s own version of the US Silicon Valley near Moscow.

Although Russia is currently investing in nanotechnology almost as
much as the US and Europe, it is still lagging behind in terms of
producing real-world products.

And this is what the IINC is all about, says the centre’s head
Alexandre Ruzaev. He explains that the main goal of this institute
is the path from concept to final innovation – the commercialisation
of scientific achievements of specialists from the former Soviet

Necessary motivation

"There was a political decision by the Russian authorities and
the governments of the CIS states to stimulate the integration in
the areas of science and innovations. There are similar problems
related to innovation in the CIS countries as there are in Russia,
but they’re even more serious because of limited financial resources
there," said Mr Ruzaev.

"We decided to use the commercialisation aspect of scientific and
technological developments. It lets the CIS states get involved in
what’s happening in Russia and in Europe and also lets us strengthen
our positions in the CIS countries."

The researchers at IINC believe that the centre can help improve
the state of science in the CIS countries by giving scientists the
motivation to work.

It’s not about the money, they add – the average monthly salary here
is equivalent to some $350 excluding grants. In their native countries
it is often even less.

Physicist Andrei Tamonov from Russia thinks that the "true" motivation
comes from knowing that people will indeed put the results of your
theoretical work into practice.

"It is always nice to know that your work won’t lie under a thick
layer of dust on library shelves, but it will be the basis of some
technological development," he explained.

His Ukrainian colleague Elena Kazima agrees: "Commercialisation
means financial output, which implies the creation of better working
conditions. That, in turn, will motivate young people to go into

"Young people aren’t very demanding, you know – they just need
at least some decent working conditions. In Ukraine people want to
work in science, they have ideas, but they’re forced to go elsewhere
because there are absolutely no decent working conditions whatsoever."

Young scientists

Yuri Khaidukov, a young physicist from Kazakhstan, works with magnetic
nanoparticles used to store memory in computers, memory cards and
other devices.

He says that the creation of the IINC doesn’t involve a brain drain
from his homeland. On the contrary, he believes that it’s a great
way to support science there and to help researchers from the former
Soviet states make their voices heard.

"I wouldn’t call it "brain drain"; it’s rather a rotation of the
work force. I left my country, but I still remember where I was born,
I remember all the scientific institutes there -and I still keep in
touch with them. Now, thanks to me, there’s a special relationship
between Dubna and Almaty (in Kazakhstan)," said Yuri.

But analyst Valery Khomyakov, the head of the National Strategy Council
think tank, says the creation of IINC is a political move as well,
meant to enable Russia to harness the best scientific minds in the
post-Soviet states.

"Of course, it’s mostly about strengthening our own scientific
potential than helping anyone else. I think that the purpose of
setting up this centre is first and foremost to address the areas
where we have problems – we lack specialists both in fundamental and
applied sciences," said Mr Khomyakov.

Masha Lipman, an analyst from the Carnegie Moscow Centre think tank,
says that whatever the driving force behind the IINC’s creation is,
such an organisation won’t and can’t help Russian science.

"We can hardly expect this centre to produce breakthrough innovations
or scientific achievements. Just like many CIS structures, I think
this is more about appearance than substance," she said.

"Russian science is not in great shape these days, this is to say
the least, and it would probably benefit from collaboration with
more developed countries, not with the countries that are inferior to
Russia – economically, in terms of science, in terms of organisation
and such like."

As for the young scientists from the CIS states, they say they’re
glad the IINC gives them jobs – and the hope of a brighter future.

"A Propos De La Turquie Et Du Genocide Armenien, L’Administration Ob


5 mai 2010

Taner Akcam est Maître de Conference en histoire et president des
Etudes sur le Genocide Armenien Kaloosdian/Mugar, au Centre Strassler
pour les Etudes sur l’Holocauste et les Genocides, Universite Clark
(Worcester, Massachussetts). Une autorite internationale de premier
plan sur le Genocide Armenien, il est l’auteur de ‘Un acte honteux
: le Genocide Armenien et la Responsabilite de la Turquie." Il est
coordinateur d’un atelier a Clark pour faire le point sur l’" Etat
de la Recherche sur le Genocide Armenien" (8 avril 2010)

Quelle est la difference entre l’administration Obama et celle de
Bush ? Il n’y en a aucune, semble-t-il, lorsqu’il s’agit de regarder
l’histoire en face et de reconnaître les fautes historiques. On y
chante dans les deux la meme vieille chanson.

La Maison Blanche paraît determinee a rejeter la Resolution 252
de la Chambre que la Commission des Affaires Etrangères a vote la
semaine passee (4 mars), un pas inhabituel dans une longue histoire
de resolutions echouees sur la "Reconnaissance du Genocide Armenien".

Audiences du Congrès, resolutions en sous-commissions, promesses de
campagne appuyees, et tranquilles assurances, tout cela pour aboutir
a la meme conclusion previsible dès lors que la Turquie fait jouer les
muscles et menace ouvertement les interets americains dans la region.

Les Membres du Congrès acceptent de reculer, en fait non parce qu’ils
ne croient pas que les Armeniens ont ete victimes d’un genocide,
mais a cause d’interets nationaux percus comme tels au Moyen-Orient.

Selon la rengaine, faire face a l’histoire est une reponse morale alors
qu’aborder les erreurs historiques est conforme aux reels interets
nationaux de la region. Deux arguments semblent eternellement en
conflit : Securite Nationale contre moralite ou en d’autres termes,
realistes contre fondamentalistes moraux .

Les realistes turcs sont très concernes par la securite nationale . En
2007, une cour turque avait declares coupables deux journalistes
armeniens de Turquie, Arat Dink, fils du journaliste assassine
Hrant Dink, et Sarkis Seropyan, pour avoir use du mot "genocide" et
avoir prononce contre eux une peine de un an de prison. Le tribunal
avait declare que : "parler du genocide, a la fois en Turquie ou d’en
d’autres pays, affecte defavorablement [sic] la securite nationale et
l’interet national." Le jugement declarait en outre que la Republique
de Turquie fait l’objet d’" un siège diplomatique consistant en des
resolutions de genocide…L’acceptation de cette demande pourrait
conduire dans les siècles futurs a une remise en cause des droits
souverains de la Republique de Turquie…" Du fait de ces soucis pour
la securite nationale, le tribunal a declare que parler du genocide
de 1915 n’est pas protege. Le Tribunal a juge que "l’utilisation de
ces droits peut etre limite conformement a des objectifs tels que
la protection de la securite nationale, de l’ordre public, de la
securite publique." Les realistes , ici aux Etats Unis, devraient
se rendre compte que leur action est coherente avec les jugements
anti-democratiques du tribunal turc.

Pendant des decennies, l’etat turc a traite toute reconnaissance que
1915 etait un genocide comme une attaque contre sa securite nationale.

L’etat organisait une chasse aux sorcières contre les intellectuels et
les chercheurs qui y faisaient une reference quelconque. Orhan Pamuk,
l’auteur laureat du Prix Nobel, et Hrant Dink ont ete poursuivis,
traînes de salles d’audience en salles d’audience. L’assassinat de
Hrant Dink en 2007 etait une consequence inevitable de cette campagne.

Le Gouvernement et le Congrès des USA devraient reconnaître que la
Turquie utilise le pretexte de la securite nationale pour limiter la
liberte d’expression, un droit democratique fondamental. Assurement,
pour faire un retour sur l’histoire a present discutee, rappelons-nous
que les demandes des Armeniens pour l’egalite et la justice sociale
dans les annees de declin de l’Empire Ottoman etaient egalement
traitees comme des menaces envers l’etat. Le mantra de la securite
nationale devint un pretexte pour leur massacre et leur deportation.

Aujourd’hui, la demande pour une evaluation honnete de l’histoire
est traitee de la meme facon : comme un problème de securite.

L’ironie de la situation est que criminaliser une demande historique
au nom de la securite nationale n’est pas seulement un obstacle pour la
democratie, mais entraîne en meme temps de reels problèmes de securite
pour la Turquie et la region entière. Cette "prophetie auto-realisee "
peut-etre demontree par le Genocide Armenien hier et le problème kurde
aujourd’hui. Le problème kurde actuel s’est pose a la suite de leurs
demandes democratiques pour des reformes sociales, qui ont ete classees
menaces pour la securite. Aussi longtemps que la Turquie continue de
voir les principes moraux et la securite nationale comme exclusifs
les uns de l’autre, et refuse de se reconcilier avec son passe pour
des raisons de securite nationale – en fait, aussi longtemps que la
securite nationale turque est definie comme s’opposant a une evaluation
historique honnete – les problèmes internationaux persisteront.

Lorsqu’on connaît le Moyen-Orient, on reconnaît facilement que les
injustices et la negation persistante de ces injustices par l’un
ou l’autre des etats ou des groupes ethniques ou religieux sont
des pierres d’achoppement majeures. L’histoire et les injustices
historiques ne sont pas de simples questions academiques concernant
le passe, le passe EST le present dans le Moyen-Orient. Pour que la
realpolitik reussisse dans la region, il est necessaire de s’interroger
sur la place de la reconnaissance de fautes historiques dans une
politique de securite nationale.

Les Etats Unis doivent changer leur politique envers la reconnaissance
du Genocide Armenien et reevaluer ce qui constitue la securite pour
la Turquie. Au cours du 19 ème siècle, le concept francais de "bon
pour l’Orient" [c’est suffisamment bon pour l’Orient] a legitime
le colonialisme francais et fourni une justification pour rabaisser
les pays colonises et les actes commis dans ces pays. Les Etats Unis
doivent se debarrasser eux-memes de cette vision coloniale classique.

Si la democratie et le face a face avec l’histoire sont bons pour
les Etats Unis, il en est de meme pour la Turquie.

Le Congrès et la Maison Blanche doivent etre suspicieux envers le
canard de l’interet national employe comme moyen de rejeter la
resolution sur le genocide. Un tel argument va a l’encontre des
valeurs americaines et legitime la campagne d’etat turque contre les
intellectuels. Il nous faut nous mettre a chanter une chanson nouvelle
qui ne soutienne pas les regimes autoritaires et negationnistes au
Moyen-Orient. La securite en Turquie et aux Etats Unis doit integrer
le face a face avec l’histoire et la democratisation.

Obama est venu a Washington avec une plateforme pour le changement .

Je pose a nouveau ma question : quelle difference y a-t-il entre
les administrations Obama et Bush ? La reponse pourrait-elle etre
l’acceptation de la resolution sur le genocide et la promotion d’un
changement democratique au Moyen Orient ?

Paruyr Hayrikyan : Nous Sommes De Retour Ov Nous Avons Commence


5 mai 2010

Quatre-vingt-quinze ans ont passe depuis le Genocide armenien.

Qu’avons-nous aujourd’hui ? " Il est trop tard " a declare le chef
de l’Union d’Autodetermination Nationale Paruyr Hayrikyan lors d’une
conference de presse.

" Ayant eu le Traite de Sèvres, qui a prevu non seulement la
reconnaissance du genocide armenien, mais aussi l’elimination de ses
consequences, aujourd’hui nous sommes de retour où nous avons commence
" a-t-il ajoute.

L’Union d’Autodetermination Nationale est heureuse d’avoir reussi a
persuader les autorites armeniennes qu’il est necessaire de parler
de l’elimination des consequences du genocide plutôt que de sa
reconnaissance, a dit Paruyr Hayrikyan.

" Parlant des relations armeno-turques, nous devons parler de l’absence
de ces relations " a-t-il dit.

Est-ce que le 100ème anniversaire du Genocide armenien va devenir
la dernière limite legale pour la condamnation et la reparation ? "
Tous les armeniens doivent continuer a lutter pour la reconnaissance
internationale et la condamnation du genocide sans tenir compte du
fait combien d’annees ont passe après cet evenement historique "
a dit Paruyr Hayrikyan.

S.Sargsyan Was Present At The Opening Ceremony Of "Shanxi-Nairit"


May 4 2010

Within the framework of the visit to China President Serzh Sargsyan
participated in the solemn opening ceremony of the "Shanxi -Nairit"
joint enterprise – the largest project of the Armenian-Chinese economic
cooperation, the press office of the Armenian President informs.

The "Shanxi -Nairit" joint enterprise was established on the basis of
the contract signed between the Shanxi Synthetic Rubber Group Company
(China) and the Nairit CJSC (Armenia) in 2003. The Aremnian side
holds 40% of the shares of "Shanxi -Nairit."

President Sargsyan met the Governor of Shanxi, Van Xishan. Issues
related to the perspectives of expansion of cooperation were discussed.

Bob Arum, Gary Shaw Close To Finalizing Deal On Darchinyan-Donaire B


May 4, 2010 – 14:06 AMT 09:06 GMT

Promoters Bob Arum and Gary Shaw are close to finalizing the deal
that will bring an anticipated world super-flyweight title fight to
Carson’s Home Depot Center Aug. 21 between champion Vic Darchinyan
and Nonito Donaire, reported.

Donaire stopped Darchinyan in the fifth round of a 2007 bout in
Connecticut, and the verbal fireworks for a rematch have been intense
since. Darchinyan (34-2-1, 27 KOs) is coming off a spirited bout
against Mexico’s Rodrigo Guerrero, which Darchinyan won by decision,
and he’ll fight again May 20 in Australia against Richard Garcia.

Armenian President Attends Jiangxi -Nairit Joint Armenian-Chinese En


May 4, 2010 – 16:37 AMT 11:37 GMT

On May 3, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan attended launch ceremony of
Jiangxi -Nairit joint Armenian-Chinese chloroprene rubber manufacturing

According to collaboration agreement, singed in 2003 between Jiangxi
joint stock company and Nairit CJSC, Armenia will have 40% share in
the enterprise.

During his visit, Armenian leader met Jiangxi Province governor to
discuss bilateral cooperation expanding perspectives, presidential
press service reported.

Turkey Delivers First Blow To Diaspora


May 4, 2010 – 15:33 AMT 10:33 GMT

Lebanese authorities’ ban to broadcast Zartnir Lao reel on the Armenian
Genocide, which is said "to damage Lebanese-Turkish relations",
should not be eyed as a radical shift in Lebanon’s foreign policy,
according to Turkologist Ruben Melkonyan.

"Ankara spares no effort to stop the process of international
recognition of the Armenian Genocide and it’s main target is the
Armenian Diaspora. This ban was the first blow," Melkonyan told a
PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. "Armenia and Diaspora should be united to
counterbalance such attacks."

European Commissioner For Enlargement And Neighbourhood Policy: Arme


2010-05-03 15:32:00

ArmInfo. "The Armenia-Turkey normalisation process is very important
and, while I note the new development of last week, I am pleased that
Armenia remains committed to pursue this process," said Stefan Fule,
European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy,
when speaking at the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), European
Parliament, after his visit to the South Caucasus and Ukriane.

"Throughout my trip to the South Caucasus I felt the presence of
regional tension and the effects of armed conflict which have so
dramatically impacted on people’s lives. I appreciated in particular
the possibilities to speak to internally displaced persons in
Georgia and in Azerbaijan; and to learn at its headquarters about
the challenging work of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia outside
Tbilisi. I firmly believe that the personal accounts and stories
of human tragedy have helped me to better understand the challenges
facing the people of the South Caucasus. Conflicts have haunted the
South Caucasus for a far too long time. In my meetings I conveyed
that the EU’s overall goal for the region is a stable, secure and
prosperous South Caucasus," he said.

Industrial production totals AMD 177.5 billion in Armenia in Q1/10

Industrial production totals AMD 177.5 billion in Armenia in first
quarter of 2010

May 1, 2010 – 15:46 AMT 10:46 GMT

The RA National Statistical Services reported that during the first
quarter of 2010 industrial production amounted to AMD 177.5 billion,
while industrial output’s sale in CIS countries made 111.4 billion, in
other countries – 51.2 billion.

The index of industrial output totaled 110.4% in January-March 2010 as
compared with the same period of 2009.

Besides, the index of industrial output totaled 116.5% during the
reported period without data for electricity, gas, steam, high-quality
air, as well as water supply, sewerage, management and waste

Industrial output data was prepared on the basis of reports of 2248
industrial enterprises, as well as assessment of operation of small
enterprises that were not included in the statistical monitoring.

ANTELIAS: In Memoriam: Bishop Nshan Topouzian

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Director
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
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Prelate of the Armenian Diocese of Aderbadagan (Iran)

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, His Eminence
Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern United States, and the
Cilician Brotherhood announce with immense sorrow the untimely passing of
the Prelate of the Diocese of Aderbadagan, Bishop Nshan Topouzian, which
took place on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, in Armenia following a brief illness.

May his memory be forever blessed.



Bishop Nshan Topouzian, (baptismal name Ara), was born in 1966 in Lebanon.
In 1984, after completing the five-level Jarankavorats (high school) program
at the Seminary of the Holy See of Cilicia, he was ordained a deacon. During
the next three years he completed the Seminary’s Undzayaran (college)
program, and in 1987 he was ordained a celibate priest and renamed Nshan by
His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, of
blessed memory.

In February 1991 he was assigned to Tabriz, Iran, as a visiting priest to
the Aderbadagan Diocese. In May of the same year, His Holiness Karekin II
appointed him Pontifical Legate of that Diocese. After serving for nearly 11
years, in August 2002 he was elected Prelate of the Aderbadagan Diocese. On
June 4, 2006, he was elevated to the rank of Bishop by His Holiness Aram I,
Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.

Bishop Nshan’s 15-year service to the Aderbadagan Diocese was very
productive. With his leadership and effort by the National Representative
Assembly and the diocesan council, Tabriz’s four churches and prelacy were
totally renovated, the Nareg residences in Tabriz were built, the Ararat
Cultural Center was established, and a new church was built in Urmia.

Bishop Nshan played a major role in the renovation and preservation of
historical churches and monasteries in Northern Iran, namely St. Tadeh and
St. Stepanos Monasteries and the Church at Jorjor.

Bishop Nshan was fluent in Persian and Azeri-Turkish.

His death is a great loss to the Great House of Cilicia, the Aderbadagan
Diocese, and for the entire Armenian church and nation.

Photo of Late Bishop Nshan Topouzian: