La Plate-Forme De La FRA En Armenie

par Stéphane

lundi10 mai 2010

Suite aux événements alarmants qui ont ébranlé la nation
arménienne, la FRA en Arménie a procédé a la mise en place d’une
plate-forme, ayant pour but la réaffirmation de l’orientation
étatique et nationale du pays, l’amélioration du processus de
démocratisation, le développement socio-économique et enfin
l’anticipation des prochaines élections.

La plate-forme est orientée vers trois domaines fondamentaux :
national, socio-économique et politique intérieure.


Les problèmes nationaux ont un impact pan-arménien. Ils évoquent
la position unitaire de l’Arménie et de la Diaspora.

Dans cette phase historique de notre nation, les fondements
stratégiques énumérés ci-dessous sont d’une importance primordiale.

A) Le conflit du Haut-Karabakh

Afin de régler le conflit avec l’Azerbaïdjan, un plan sera élaboré
et fondé sur les principes suivants :

1° Une concession mutuelle de la part des Arméniens (Arménie
et Haut-Karabakh), ne peut se concevoir sans tenir compte des
referendums de 1991 et 2006, respectivement date de l’indépendance
et de l’adoption de la Constitution du Haut-Karabakh, qui expriment
la volonté du peuple.

2° Le Haut-Karabakh, partie principale du conflit, doit être présent
sur la table des négociations, comme un membre a part entière. En
ce qui concerne l’Arménie, elle doit assurer la sécurité nationale
et se porter garant de la république du Haut-Karabakh.

De plus, il est indispensable de mettre en place un accord stratégique
entre l’Arménie et le Haut-Karabakh.

3° Sur le plan de la politique extérieure, il faudra renforcer
les démarches entreprises pour la reconnaissance internationale
de la république du Haut-Karabakh et assurer la poursuite des
négociations avec l’Azerbaïdjan, dans le but de donner la priorité
a la résolution des problèmes liés a la sécurité nationale du

B) Les relations arméno-turques

L’élaboratio n de la normalisation des relations entre l’Arménie
et la Turquie ne prendra toute sa dimension qu’a partir du moment
ou Ankara sera prêt a reconnaître le génocide des Arméniens,
a appréhender la question des réparations et a mettre un terme a
sa politique anti-arménienne orchestrée en complicité avec Bakou.

Actuellement, en cette période historique, le processus de
normalisation des relations bilatérales sans condition préalable
est la seule concession que l’Arménie doit effectuer.

1- La levée du blocus sans condition préalable et la mise en place
des relations diplomatiques fondées sur les principes internationaux,
devront être les points de départ de la normalisation des relations.

2- La politique extérieure de l’Arménie devra affronter les plans
anti-arméniens, menés par l’Azerbaïdjan et la Turquie.

Les conditions présentées par la Turquie sont inacceptables.

Il faut délier la question des relations arméno-turques du conflit
du Haut-karabakh. Cela permettra de poursuivre la lutte pour la
résolution de la cause arménienne.

Il ne faut signer aucun protocole, qui remette en cause le Traité
de Sèvres.

Dans la perspective du rétablissement de tous nos droits et
revendications, la reconnaissance internationale et le dédommagement
du génocide devront obligatoirement faire partie de la politique
extérieure de l’Arménie.

Il faut exclure toutes les démarches qui affaiblissent le processus
de la reconnaissance internationale du génocide, en neutralisant la
politique négationniste de l’Etat turc.

C) Djavakhk

L’établissement de relations amicales arméno-géorgiennes est
conditionné par la protection et par le respect de leur droit de
citoyens géorgiens, d’origine arménienne, en matière de sécurité,
politique et socioculturelle.

La détermination vers l’autonomie de la population arménienne de
Djavakhk est légale et justifiée dans le cadre des obligations et
des conventions internationales ratifiées par la Géorgie, envers
les minorités.

Parallèlement, il est indispensable d’élargir les programmes
culturels, économiques, sociaux et de renforcer les liens avec

D) La Diaspora

L’Arménie, le Haut-Karabakh et la Diaspora forment une entité
unitaire de la nation arménienne. Pour affirmer le potentiel de cette
entité et atteindre nos objectifs nationaux, il est indispensable
d’assurer un niveau supérieur de coordination nationale. C’est
uniquement par notre unité nationale que nous pouvons faire face aux
pressions effectuées par nos voisins frontaliers et les puissances
mondiales, ainsi que par la conservation de notre identité nationale
et par le rétablissement de nos droits.

Il est, par ailleurs, indispensable de créer des conditions favorables
a la véritable mise en place opérationnelle de la loi sur la double


L’unité nationale, qui est indispensable pour la résolution de nos
problèmes nationaux fondamentaux, est basée sur les égalités et
les libertés sociales.

Le but principal du Dachnaktsoutioun est de fonder un état égalitaire
sur le plan social, basé sur les principes démocratiques.

Durant ce processus, les priorités et les objectifs du Parti sont
les suivants :

L’éradication de la pauvreté et l’amélioration du niveau de vie
de la population

Mise en place des fonds nécessaires pour la construction de HLM

Attribution d’allocations a la naissance et d’allocations familiales

Réorganisation du système de fonctionnement de la sécurité sociale

Accès a l’enseignement public, au niveau international

Accès aux éducations sportives et culturelles gratuitement

Droit au travail pour tous et rémunération en fonction du travail
effectué .

Mise en place d’une politique spécifique ayant pour but la disparition
des monopoles économiques.

Mise en place d’une stratégie pour l’exploitation des ressources
naturelles et interdiction de leurs surexploitation.

Mise en place d’un système de droit a la propriété privé.


Afin d’aboutir au processus de démocratisation, il est indispensable
de sortir du système ploutocratique. Les principales directions de
ce processus sont les suivantes :

Réformes législatives et constitutionnelles.

Renforcement du pouvoir législatif

Diminution du nombre de siégeant a l’Assemblée Nationale et
limitation des immunités parlementaires.

Indépendance totale du système judiciaire.

Approfondissement du processus d’intégration européenne.

Mise en place d’une unité spéciale contre la corruption, sous la
direction de l’opposition.

Garantir le maintien de la liberté d’expression et d’opinion.

Droit de l’opposition, assuré par la loi.

Réforme du système électoral.

La participation des citoyens aux élections doit être obligatoire.

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Kurds In Serious Danger In Armenia?

by Anna Israyelyan

May 5 2010

In response to a document circulated by the Azerbaijani delegation
at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE], the
editor-in-chief of a Kurdish paper says that it is Azerbaijan where
a policy of estrangement is carried out against Kurds.

As Aravot reported, a member of the Azerbaijani delegation at the
PACE, Rafael Huseynov, circulated a document No 12227 at the assembly
on 28 April. Nineteen delegates from Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria,
Sweden, Greece and other countries signed this document to make it a
draft resolution. The document, entitled "Armenia’s determination to
become a mono-ethnic state and to implement a policy against national
minorities", states that many representatives of national minorities
have slowly left Armenia over the past decades.

"At present, 42,000 Kurds, which make up the largest ethnic minority,
are in serious danger. After Armenians recently decapitated four Kurds
in Yerevan, the Federation of Yezidis of Kurdistan issued a statement,
telling international news agencies that the above mentioned bloody
murder was politically motivated and that it was part of a policy
of persecution and isolation against Kurds. Hundreds of Kurds held a
rally in front of the Armenian embassy in [Georgian capital] Tbilisi
on 20 April 2010 in protest against this policy," the document read.

Grishae Mamen (Chatoyev), editor-in-chief of the Kurdish paper Ria
Taza which has been published in Yerevan for 80 years now, answered
our questions about the information reported by the Azerbaijani
delegation at the PACE. He said: "I would like to say right from
the beginning that it does not correspond to reality. First of all,
the killing of the mentioned four persons took place not in Yerevan
but in one of the villages in Abovyan [a district in Armenia], in Nor
Geghi if I am not mistaken, and this was a domestic crime. I should
say that the law-enforcement entities solved it in less than three
days and the perpetrators (as far as I know, they were two brothers)
were sentenced to life in prison. It is totally wrong to interpret that
as a crime with political motives". The editor did not know anything
about a rally held in front of the Armenian embassy in Georgia. "I
have no information, but I do not believe [the information is true]".

Mamen added: "Those ‘brotherly’ Azeris – let them watch themselves.

According to the last census held in the Soviet Union in 1989,
70,000 or more Kurds lived in Armenia. According to our information,
at least 700,000 to 800,000 Kurds should be living in Azerbaijan. But
they were simply put under the name of ‘other nationalities’, and
it turns out that there are no Kurds there. There has been no war,
no earthquake or flood in Azerbaijan. So what has happened to those
Kurds? A policy of estrangement has been carried out," he said.

Asked if he agrees with the statement in the above mentioned document
that at present the 42,000 Kurds living in Armenia are in serious
danger, the editor-in-chief of Ria Taza paper answered: "I would
advise them [the Azerbaijani delegation] to give at least a couple of
examples when they speak of serious danger. Of course, our community
does have numerous needs. There are numerous shortcomings. However,
these difficulties are common for all residents of Armenia."

Vic Darchinyan To Take On Eric Barcelona May 20


May 11, 2010 – 12:50 AMT 07:50 GMT

WBC/WBA super flyweight champion Vic Darchinyan will stage a title
fight at Parramatta Leagues club (Australia) for the IBO bantamweight
(w.c. 53.5kg) belt against Filipino Eric Barcelona on May 20.

This is Darchinyan’s second attempt to strengthen his positions in
the bantamweight, while he failed the first one, being beaten by IBF
bantamweight champion Ghanaian Joseph Agbeko on July 11, 2009.

Earlier it was reported that Darchinyan will take on Filipino Richard
Garcia in Sidney, again on May 20.

34 year-old and six time world champion Vic Darchinyan, the Armenian
born 2000 Olympian and Australian citizen, has a professional boxing
record of 34 wins, 2 loss, 1 draw and 27 wins by knockout.

Ex-Wrestler Guilty Of Kidnapping Associate


San Francisco Chronicle
May 10 2010

A former Armenia wrestling champion was convicted Monday of kidnapping
a business associate, beating him and demanding a $1 million ransom.

A federal jury found Vagan Adzhemyan, 42, guilty in his second trial.

His first trial ended with a mistrial last year after the jury
deadlocked 6-6.

Galvin Gibson, a friend of Adzhemyan’s who also took part in the plot,
was convicted as well.

Adzhemyan admitted kidnapping Sandro Karmryan in July 2009, beating
him, shocking him with a stun gun, holding him captive at various
locations across Southern California and demanding a $1 million ransom
from his family.

Adzhemyan argued his actions were necessary because Karmryan was
plotting to have him killed because he knew about an alleged loan
scam. Karmryan had paid a Russian mafia boss $27,000 to kill him after
a complicated financial deal between the men went sour, his attorney
Harland Braun said.

After five days, a SWAT team rescued Karmyan, who was near-death
because he suffered a ruptured bowel while trying to fend off his
attackers. Infections from the wound almost killed Karmyan, but he
recovered after weeks in the hospital and several surgeries.

Braun said his client kidnapped Karmryan because he wanted to get proof
that Karmryan had paid someone to kill him. Many of the interrogations
that took place were captured on cell phone or audio recordings,
and Braun said Karmryan admitted more than 100 times to paying a
killer. Prosecutors said the confession was forced.

The tapes were played for jurors during the first trial.

At the retrial, U.S. District Judge Jacqueline Nguyen barred Braun
from presenting evidence to explain why Adzhemyan committed the crime
because she found it irrelevant to his guilt or innocence.

A judge must determine that the defendant faced imminent danger of
serious harm or death and there was no reasonable legal alternative
to his actions before he can present such an argument, which is known
as a justification defense.

Braun said Nguyen’s decision left his client with virtually no defense.

"The jury did not hear the most important evidence in the case,"
he said. "They really had no choice, given the evidence they heard."

Prosecutor Robert E. Dugdale called the kidnapping a "savage" crime.

The Armenian-born Adzhemyan was a champion wrestler in Armenia and
the Soviet Union in the 1980s, Braun has said. He faces up to life
in prison when he is sentenced Aug. 2.

Civil Oversight Mechanisms Applied In Special Education Schools


MAY 5, 2010

YEREVAN, MAY 5, ARMENPRESS: Mechanisms of civil oversight are being
applied in special education schools of the republic. Artak Poghosyan,
head of the General Education Department of the Armenian Ministry of
Education and Science, told Armenpress that the staff of the council
has already been confirmed; it includes 15 NGOs.

The council must implement a monitoring in special education schools.

People selected beforehand can visit special education schools, carry
out studies, talk to children and in case of finding out problems
make aware the ministry. The council has already summoned its first
session and in near future is to develop its activity system.

"There are problems in any educational establishment, and the ministry
undertakes all the measures for their solution. The civil oversight
can play a serious role in that issue. The application of suchlike
approaches enables to find out the problems in a short period of time
and respond to them in time," A. Poghosyan said.

According to the formation system of the council, it must be comprised
of 7-21 people, and as today it has 15 members, according to A.

Poghosyan, people from other NGOs are possible to be involved in it
as well. "Involvement of NGOs has not been an end in itself. We have
had a wish to involve all those who have been engaged in educational
programs in the last two years," A. Poghosyan said.

He also noted that the council is open for cooperation. All the NGOs
which want to involve their representatives in the monitoring works
can apply to the council. The selection process of observers will be
followed by their training. A. Poghosyan said that the training is
of great importance, for the observer must understand the main scope
of its activity.

There are 24 special education schools in the republic, 10 of which
are subordinated to the Armenian Ministry of Education and Science.

Three thousand 500 children learn in 24 general education schools. A.

Poghosyan noted that in near future the observers of the council will
conduct monitoring in the schools subordinated to the ministry. And
later a monitoring is intended to conduct in other special schools
as well.

USC Shoah Foundation Institute Signs Historic Agreement With Armenia


Monday, May 10th, 2010

-The USC Shoah Foundation Institute, part of the USC College
of Letters, Arts & Sciences, signed an historic agreement with
the Armenian Film Foundation and Dr. J. Michael and Antoinette
Hagopian. The agreement paves the way for the preservation and
dissemination of the largest archive of filmed interviews with
survivors of and witnesses to the Armenian Genocide.

The two organizations and Dr. Hagopian will work together to make
approximately 400 testimonies of Armenian Genocide survivors and
witnesses available for educational purposes through the Shoah
Foundation Institute’s Visual History Archive. The signed agreement
is the first step in the process to digitize, index, preserve, and
disseminate the filmed testimonies collected by Dr. Hagopian and the
Armenian Film Foundation between 1968 and 2004. Once the process is
complete, the testimonies will become accessible through the Shoah
Foundation Institute’s Visual History Archive, which contains nearly
52,000 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses.

Funds must be raised before work will commence.

"As a preliminary step towards including Armenian Genocide survivor
testimonies in the archive, our agreement with the Armenian Film
Foundation is a major milestone," said USC Shoah Foundation Institute
Executive Director Stephen Smith. "This project will help preserve
evidence of a genocide that must be acknowledged. It will honor the
memory of those whose lives were taken, and it will ensure that future
generations are able to learn from individuals who experienced the
Armenian Genocide firsthand."

With the attempted annihilation of the Armenian people being the first
major genocide of the 20th Century, the Armenian Film Foundation’s
filmed interviews are significant to the scope of the Shoah Foundation
Institute’s Visual History Archive. The Institute is beginning to work
with partners around the world to expand its archive with testimonies
from survivors and witnesses of other genocides, including the Rwandan
genocide and the Cambodian genocide.

"We believe this agreement is the beginning of a long-term partnership
with the world-renowned USC Shoah Foundation Institute that will
promote the study and prevention of future genocides," said Dr.

Hagopian. "Inclusion of these filmed Genocide survivor interviews,
a ‘national treasure’ of the Armenian people, side by side with
testimonies of Holocaust survivors in an archive that can be accessed
and searched around the world, will finally help us fulfill our
mission of disseminating these eyewitness accounts worldwide."

The Shoah Foundation Institute’s mission is to overcome prejudice,
intolerance, and bigotry-and the suffering they cause-through the
educational use of the Institute’s visual history testimonies.

"Victimization and genocide perpetrated and denied in one part of
the world, can become the breeding ground for greater crimes against
humanity in another part of the world," said Dr. Hagopian, who is
96 years old and a Genocide survivor himself. "I have felt that it
was my responsibility to educate and inform so that history won’t
be repeated."

About the Testimony Collection

The foundation’s film archive includes nearly 400 interviews of
Genocide survivors and witnesses conducted in 10 countries. The
voices of these filmed survivors and witnesses, now deceased, echo
from all corners of the world in 10 different languages. The majority
of the 400 interviews are either in English or Armenian (some in rare
dialects), with some witnesses speaking in Arabic, Greek, Spanish,
French, Kurdish, Turkish, German, and Russian. Those interviewed were
from 8 to 29 years of age at the time of the Genocide.

The major areas that were covered in those interviews are from the
following cities and towns of Anatolia (mainly Eastern Turkey):
Adabazar, Eskisehir, Konia, Sivas, Kharpert, Urfa, Aintab, Marash,
Malatia, Dickranagerd, Erzeroum, Van, Bitlis, Der Zor, Smyrna,
Erzingan, Musa Dagh, Kessab, Aleppo, Shabin Karahisar, Guren, Sepastia,
Banderma, Yozgat, Everek, Hadjin, Zeitoun, Amassia, and Kutahya.

About the Armenian Film Foundation

The Armenian Film Foundation was established in 1979 as a non-profit,
educational, and cultural organization dedicated to the documentation
in motion pictures of Armenian heritage and life. Its goals are to
inspire pride in and to create worldwide recognition of the Armenian
people and their contributions, and to preserve the visual and personal
histories of the witnesses to the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

Dr. J. Michael Hagopian, co-founder of the Armenian Film Foundation,
has released 17 documentary films on the Armenian heritage, culture,
and history, including an epic trilogy on the Armenian Genocide
comprised of Voices from the Lake, Germany and the Secret Genocide,
and The River Ran Red.

The foundation has in its archives nearly 400 irreplaceable and
invaluable filmed interviews with witnesses and survivors to the
Armenian Genocide, as well as Genocide descendants, scholars and

Recognizing the pressing need to record the experience of Armenians
who were subject to the first genocide of the 20th Century, Dr.

Hagopian in 1968 began filming Armenian Genocide survivors and

As aging Genocide survivors began dying in large numbers, the Armenian
Film Foundation embarked on a massive project to interview on 16mm
film the remaining survivors of and eyewitnesses to the Armenian
Genocide of 1915. When the survivor interview project commenced
in 1982, an estimated 2,500 credible eyewitnesses to the Armenian
Genocide of 1915 were still alive. Fifteen percent of these were
subsequently completed and documented on film by the Armenian Film
Foundation, which retains the original footage, sound tapes, record
books, relevant photographs, and other documentation that may have
been provided by the survivors and eyewitnesses.

For more information, visit the Foundations’s website,

About Dr. J. Michael Hagopian

Born to an Armenian family in Kharpert-Mezreh, Dr. Hagopian
is a Genocide survivor who has dedicated his life to the visual
documentation of the Turkish extermination of 1.5 million Armenians in
1915. In all, his work encompasses nearly 400 interviews of survivors
of and witnesses to the Armenian Genocide and 40 years of research.

Dr. Hagopian holds a doctorate in international relations from
Harvard University and an undergraduate degree from the University
of California at Berkeley. He also did two years of graduate work in
cinema at the University of Southern California. He taught political
science and economics at the University of California at Los Angeles;
American University of Beirut, Lebanon; Banaras Hindu University,
India; and Oregon State University, Corvallis.

Dr. Hagopian is the chair of the Board of Directors of the Armenian
Film Foundation and producer/director of many award-winning documentary
films. As President of Atlantis Productions, he has also been engaged
in the research, writing and production of educational and documentary
films for instructional and informational use in the classroom and
on television.

He has written, directed and produced more than 70 educational and
documentary films which collectively have won over 160 national and
international awards, including two Emmy nominations for the writing
and production of The Forgotten Genocide, the first full-length feature
film on the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Germany and the Secret Genocide
received the coveted First Place Golden Camera Award in the History
Category from the 2004 U.S. International Film and Video Festival,
the largest festival of its kind. The River Ran Red was voted Best
International Historical Documentary by the New York International
Film & Video Festival in 2009 and it won second place in the History
and Biography categories at the 2009 U.S. International Film and
Video Festival.

Several of his films were produced under grants from the U.S. Office of
Education and the Ethnic Heritage Program, the MacArthur Foundation,
California Endowment for the Humanities, and California State
Department of Education.

Dr. Hagopian himself is the recipient of numerous honors,
including Jewish World Watch’s "I Witness" Award for dedicating his
professional life to chronicling the history of the Armenian people
and commemorating victims of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian
National Committee honored him as Man of the Year in 2000.

About the USC Shoah Foundation Institute

Established in 1994 by Steven Spielberg to collect and preserve
the testimonies of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust,
the USC Shoah Foundation Institute maintains one of the largest video
digital libraries in the world: nearly 52,000 video testimonies in 32
languages and from 56 countries. The Institute is part of the College
of Letters, Arts & Sciences at the University of Southern California;
its mission is to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry-and the
suffering they cause-through the educational use of the Institute’s
visual history testimonies.

The Institute works within the University and with partners around
the world to advance scholarship and research, to provide resources
and online tools for educators, and to disseminate the testimonies
for educational purposes. In addition to preserving the testimonies
in its archive, the Institute is working with partner organizations
to help document the stories of survivors and other witnesses of
other genocides.

For more information, visit the Institute’s website,

Doing Good, Saving Lives


The Civilitas Foundation
Saturday, 08 May 2010 09:07

Spotlight / Events

The Civilitas Foundation, in collaboration with the Armenian Bone
Marrow Donor Registry, hosted ‘Be a Donor, Save a Life! on May 7.’
The turnout was impressive and inspired the participants to continue to
repeat the drive on Friday May 14, from 5 to 7 pm, again at Civilitas,
in central Yerevan.

The reason for Civilitas’ participation is not only humanitarian,
it also has to do with the story of Civilitas intern, Olivia
Katrandjian, whose mother is suffering from lymphoma, an aggressive and
unpredictable form of blood cancer. At this point, her only chance for
a cure is a bone marrow transplant. In order to perform this procedure,
the doctors need a blood donor who is a genetic match, but currently,
there are no registered donors who qualify.

The best chance of finding a match is another Armenian, and so Olivia
has been working with the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry to
increase the number of Armenian registrants in the system.

Joining the registry is simple – it requires only a cotton swab to
collect some cheek cells from the inside of your mouth. The Armenian
Bone Marrow Donor Registry has already saved the lives of 8 people.

"But 1300 people are still in need of a match and it’s possible that
that match is you," said Olivia. "Signing up only takes five minutes
and it could mean saving the life of someone like my mother."

"This next drive on May 14 is on Olivia’s birthday. Olivia’s enthusiasm
and positive outlook in the face of this huge challenge will make
everyone believe that we can indeed rely on each other, that our
dignity and humanity really does depend on the other person’s act of
kindness," said Salpi Ghazarian, Director of Civilitas, who herself
became a donor. "Random events and coincidences often determine
our lives. This illness randomly afflicted Olivia’s mother Irene,
and little Charlotte (see ). Correspondingly, a random
donor may be the one to save their lives, so come by for 5 minutes
and be registered," said Mrs. Ghazarian.

Vartan Oskanian, President of the Civilitas Board, also became a
donor. "This is one of those causes that is only good," he said. "This
is something about which we can all agree, all work together, all
contribute. It’s really for the common good, and it requires common
effort," he said.

Europe’s Finance Ministers Approved Crisis Aid Package


May 10, 2010 – 10:23 AMT 05:23 GMT

Europe’s Finance Ministers approved in an emergency meeting late
Sunday a "stabilization mechanism" that could provide at least 440
billion euros (US $560 billion) for a crisis aid package aimed at
ensuring financial stability across Europe, CNN reported.

The deal comes after a week of heavy stock market losses for some of
the European Union’s member states in the wake of a massive bailout
for Greece’s battered economy.

The Ministers, meeting in Brussels, Belgium, sought to ease markets
shaken by the Greek economic crisis before they re-opened Monday.

Under the deal announced early Monday, the International Monetary
Fund could provide up to 220 billion euros (US $280 billion) to the
crisis fund in addition to the EU’s contribution of 440 billion euros,
Spain’s Finance Minister Elena Salgado said.

Another 60 billion euros (US $76 billion) would be available should
member states experience "exceptional occurrences" beyond their
control, Salgado said.

European Central Bank officials have tried to play down fears that
the economic turmoil in Greece could spread to other heavily indebted
European countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy.

Spain saw three straight days of losses in its stock market last week
after the country’s credit rating was downgraded by the influential
rating agency Standard & Poor’s.

Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary
policy, praised the deal early Monday, saying "the fiscal efforts
of European Union member states, the financial assistance by the
(European Commission) and member states, and the actions taken today
by the (European Central Bank) proves that we shall defend the euro
whatever it takes."

" Où En Est La Turquie Avec Son " Problème Armenien " ? " Par Sahin

par Stephane

vendredi7 mai 2010


Sahin Alpay, sans doute pour montrer la generosite de l’intelligentsia
turque, nous apprend qu’un diplomate avait suggere a Gul de proposer
aux Armeniens d’Erevan la citoyennete turque ! Selon lui, une majorite
de turcs qui connaissant l’histoire sont en gros d’accord avec le
gouvernement pour ne voir dans ‘les evenements’ de 1915 que des
tueries entre musulmans et Armeniens ! On n’est plus très loin des
luttes intercommunautaires de banlieue ! Mais le journaliste nous
ressert le couplet sur la vocation des parlements qui n’est pas de
porter des jugements sur des faits historiques. On sait bien, depuis
Geoffrey Robertson, que "genocide" est un terme juridique, un crime
defini dans le droit international. L’histoire, ce sont des faits,
et les parlements, qui creent du droit, caracterisent ces faits en
genocide. Collectif d’historiens effarouches et autres Chandernagor
ou Lang ont assez balade les Armeniens avec ca…

On craint que ce long article, reprenant au fond contre-verites
et faux-fuyants, n’apportera rien, si ce n’est la reponse a la
question-titre, ‘où en est la Turquie avec son problème armenien’ :
nulle part.

Mais il y a quand meme une lueur : on pourra voir dans cet article
au detour de l’avant dernier paragraphe, dans son sens direct,
l’expression -Genocide Armenien- libre de tout guillemet. Certainement
une première dans un journal turc depuis longtemps.

Gilbert Beguian

" Où en est la Turquie avec son " Problème armenien " ? "


La Turquie a un problème connu sous le nom de ‘problème armenien’. Il
concerne la facon dont l’etat turc et la societe turque doivent faire
face a leur histoire relativement a la grande tragedie qui toucha
les Armeniens ottomans, quand les dictateurs de Union et Progrès,
pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale, en reponse a la revolte des
nationalistes armeniens qui se sont mis aux côtes de l’ennemi russe,
ont puni les citoyens armeniens dans leur presque totalite en les
deportant de force en Syrie, provoquant la mort de plusieurs centaines
de milliers d’entre eux par des massacres, la famine et les epidemies.

Cette question a ressurgi recemment quand la Commission des Affaires
etrangères de la Chambre des Representants de l’"allie strategique"
de la Turquie, a adopte le 4 mars une resolution pour appeler le
President a declarer genocide les deportations et les massacres des
Armeniens ottoman en 1915. Une semaine plus tard, le 11 mars, le
parlement de Suède, le pays supportant le plus fort la candidature
la Turquie pour sa candidature a l’Union Europeenne, adoptait une
resolution appelant a la reconnaissance non seulement du genocide des
Assyriens, mais aussi des Armeniens et des grecs pontiques en Turquie.

Le parlement suedois est devenu le 20 ème parlement a reconnaître le
‘Genocide Armenien’. Contestant les resolutions, le gouvernement
turc a rappele ses ambassadeurs a Washington et a Stockholm pour
consultations, une mesure qui n’a pas ete prise quand les parlements
francais, allemand, italien, polonais et russe avaient adopte des
resolutions similaires.

Il y a differentes approches au problème armenien en Turquie, a la
fois au niveau societal et gouvernemental. La plupart de ceux qui ont
quelques connaissances des evenements de la Première Guerre Mondiale
dans l’empire ottoman souscrivent a la ligne officielle qui soutient
en gros que ce qui s’est passe etaient des tueries reciproques de
Musulmans et d’Armeniens. Avec eux se trouvent aussi ceux qui partagent
le souci que si les massacres d’Armeniens etaient consideres comme
genocide, les Armeniens demanderaient des restitutions de propriete et
des compensations, et que l’Armenie ferait des demandes territoriales
a la Turquie. Il y a cependant aussi une minorite dans la societe
turque, en nombre croissant au moins depuis 2005, qui reconnaissent
que le massacre d’Armeniens ottomans a ete une vaste tragedie, voire
un genocide intentionnel comparable a l’Holocauste, et soutenant que
les Armeniens meritent au moins qu’on leur demande pardon.

Ces gens ont organise, peu après que le gouvernement turc ait
propose au gouvernement d’Armenie de negocier afin d’aller vers une
normalisation des relations entre les deux pays, une conference a
Istanbul qui abordait la question "qu’est-il arrive aux Armeniens
ottomans ? " Quand le journaliste turco-armenien Hrant Dink a ete
assassine par des ultranationalistes (suspectes d’avoir des liens avec
l’"etat profond" turc) en 2007, au moins 100 000 personnes marchaient
derrière son cercueil en criant "nous sommes tous des Armeniens ! "
En 2008, plus de 30 000 personnes ont signe une declaration demandant
pardon a leurs "frères et soeurs armeniens" pour ce qui s’etait passe
en 1915. Et quand le president Gul avait visite Erevan, la meme annee,
un ambassadeur a la retraite suggera que le gouvernement turc, ne
serait-ce que de facon symbolique, paie des indemnites aux familles
des victimes des deportations et offre la citoyennete turque a ceux
qui le souhaiteraient .

Il y a cependant des differences d’opinion parmi une minorite. Un
plus petit groupe croit que les resolutions sur le genocide adoptees
par un nombre croissant de parlements aident la Turquie a regarder
son histoire en face. Pour la plupart, ils croient que les parlements
n’ont pas vocation a porter des jugements sur des faits historiques,
que les resolutions sont seulement motivees par des considerations
l’humanitaires ou idealistes, mais aussi par l’espoir de gagner des
voix lors des elections ou pour se venger de la Turquie pour telle
ou telle raison. Ils pensent que pour obtenir de la Turquie qu’elle
regarde son histoire en face, il est necessaire d’ôter le voile de
l’ignorance au sein du peuple turc sur le sort des Armeniens ottomans,
aidee en cela par la normalisation des relations entre la Turquie et
l’Armenie. Ils ressentent les resolutions negativement parce qu’elles
declenchent des reactions nationalistes et genent par consequent la
normalisation des relations. J’appartiens resolument a ce groupe.

Vis a vis du gouvernement, on peut soutenir que le parti au
pouvoir actuellement, le Parti Justice et Developpement (AKP) se
distingue des gouvernements precedents qui ont refuse d’etablir
des relations diplomatiques avec l’Armenie et ferme les frontières
lorsque les Armeniens ont envahi l’Azerbaïdjan dans la guerre pour le
Nagorno-Karabagh. Ce gouvernement a propose au gouvernement armenien
en 2005 des negociations en vue de normaliser leurs relations entre
les deux pays, et les negociations sont allees jusqu’a la signature
par les deux parties de protocoles en octobre l’an passe pour etablir
des relations diplomatiques et ouvrir les frontières. La ratification
des protocoles s’est malheureusement bloquee, due principalement
a Ankara, sous la pression de l’Azerbaïdjan, avec laquelle elle a
des liens culturels et economiques, et la puissant lobby azeri en
Turquie declarant que la ratification depend de l’acceptation par
l’Armenie de faire des pas vers la normalisation avec l’Azerbaïdjan. Et
malheureusement l’Armenie, qui occupe le cinquième du territoire de
l’Azerbaïdjan, forcant près de un million d’Azeris a la condition
d’immigres dans leur propre pays, ne donne aucun signe dans ce sens.

Il y a une difference d’opinions concernant la politique de l’AKP
parmi ceux qui pensent que la Turquie doit faire face a son histoire.

Certains pensent qu’il n’est pas different des autres gouvernements
niant le genocide Armenien ou tragedie. D’autres donnent du credit a
l’idee que le gouvernement AKP, lui aussi, croit que la normalisation
avec l’Armenie est necessaire si la Turquie veut affronter son passe.

Il est possible aussi que le gouvernement AKP soit lui meme divise
sur ce point.

Que peut-il etre fait a ce stade pour aider a resoudre le problème
armenien de la Turquie ? Nous le verrons dans un prochain article.

Events In Syria Dedicated To Victory Of The Great Patriotic War


May 7 2010

On May 6 in Syria on the event organized by the Armenian and CIS
countries’ embassies was celebrated the 65th anniversary of the
victory of the Great Patriotic War.

On the reception dedicated to the anniversary of the victory partook
the Defense Minister of Syria, deputy minister of the Foreign Ministry,
members of parliament, heads of embassies, diplomats, veterans of the
Great Patriotic War, journalists, etc. informs the press, information
and public relations department of the Armenian Foreign Ministry.